Internet of Things is swiftly replacing a lot of things that used to be of value, back in the day. Your mobile end device comprises your alarm, newspaper, magazine, television, radio, notepad, mails, television remote, calendar, map, compass, bible, thermometer, the world, shoulder to cry on, a portion of your brain etc. That's how powerful IoT is, and it does not get satisfied-It is inconspicuously gaining power. Imagine how many things will IoT have replaced in the next decade, let alone the next century. At the pace that the world is moving at, you either keep up or be extinct-And it would be absurd to witness individuals who'll opt for the latter. Whether we like or not, the world was built to evolve. We started with walking, used animals for transport, created carts, bicycles, and then we went to motorbikes and cars, The Wright brothers gave us a way to travel in the air, now we have plenty of ways to travel, including trains (probably time machines are coming too). Remember when we needed helicopters in order to take orthophotos? Now we have drones. That's evolution. Remember when business people and senators had no choice but to fly out of the country to discuss every little issues with the foreign associates, now they're able to hold conferences and meetings remotely. The power of IoT. Video Conferencing, Webinars, Zoom calls, just to name a few.
All these products of IoT are a few examples of how IoT has changed the game. AI (Artificial Intelligence) is bereaving a preponderance of the bourgeoisie what they consider a querencia. More and more people who still believe that getting uMalusi certificate or tertiary accolades, and also those who still deem jobs a safe option in this risky world, should start reconsidering or looking into their plan B. As much as the general population abhors the hurtful truth, but the fact of the matter is that the earlier people realize that having many options of making a living and exploring them sooner, will help them survive the storm that's coming. And it's really coming. More and more improvements are made daily in this world of technology, and as much as these improvements make people indolent, they also make them obsolete in their workplaces.
We live in the bourgeoisie society, and IoT is consanguineous to Moses to most capitalists but also an enemy to those who are unconventional. This means that the capitalists can produce more in just a blink of an eye with AI compared to humans who, sometimes have to go to maternity leave, sick leave or may be hindering progress due to indolence and other possible reasons. This could also cut so many costs, considering the fact that these machines don't require a salary for their services or contribution, but a thorough maintenance to ensure their effectiveness. If you still view jobs as a place of safety, then you'll have to do some major changes in your mentality and perspective as a whole. You need to start going through some self-awareness tests in order to find your purpose because the remaining jobs for humans will require more than they did a decade ago. Therefore people need to explore the B/I side of Mr Kiyosaki's cashflow quadrant. They need to start learning about investing and the entities of business because that would be a lucrative option if all the steps would be followed properly.
Considering the economy structure or storm that's coming, one would even predict cannibalism if people don't prepare for it while they still have time. The ones at the bottom will go deeper into hell holes, while the ones at the top will go higher. Haven't you heard politicians talk about how the poor will get poorer and how the rich will get more richer? Well, politicIans lie a lot, but this time you have to believe them. That's, actually where the world is headed. Clerks, cashiers, personal assistants, cleaners, maids, nannies, gardeners, farm workers, construction workers, and many other jobs will be replaced by Artificial Intelligence (AI). More people will no longer see the need to go to varsity, due to how opportunities will be everywhere in the world of IoT. Possibly, people's emotions will also be replaced by Artificial Intelligence. The future is hideous for those who don't like the idea of evolution. Africans, are the ones who dominate the bourgeoisie community, therefore they will have to start saving up money, create other streams of income and start funding their dreams because the future is not really exciting for anyone who still see jobs as a querencia.
Let's start exploring smartphones because these devices can be extremely lucrative if utilized correctly. Let us not fear the future, but thoroughly prepare for it because if we don't, our children, their children and the generations beyond will be in trouble.
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