The simple four letter word that was meant to make our lives simple and was also meant to make it easier for us, irregardless of how different we are, to live together in peace and harmony. A preponderance of individuals would immediately think of a romantic relationship whenever that word is mentioned.
Has anyone ever thought of how profound the subject of love is? What is love? Is it the reason why aspiring actors, poets, musicians, businessmen and women keep going no matter how many times they fail? Love is a simple, yet complex subject because it raises a variety of reactions, expressions and ideas just by the word being mentioned. The world today, comprises governments, secret societies, criminals and all kinds of evil people who would utilize every lilliputian opportunity they get to perform their nefarious acts. It is a sign of a lack of love.
A baby, is a result of love.
Why do they metamorphose into humanbeings who are filled with rage and hate?
How does it even get there?
How does hate and fear easily obtain hold on the subconscious minds of a preponderance of humans?
Two things run the world, today. The power of love, and the love of power. One seeks to build and the latter seeks to destroy, of course. Love is powerful, so is greed, fear and hate. We as individuals, choose which child we feed the most within our souls. If we feed our fear, we will remain stagnant until we die. If we feed greed, we will forever find joy from bereaving others but the most unfortunate part is that we'll never be familiar with contentment or satisfaction.
However, if we feed hate, we'll stand a great chance of being witches, murderers and the devil himself. Which is such a hideous way any sane human would choose to live. If we feed love, successful relationships, joy, beauty, and contentment will always run into our direction. Life is all about choices. Love, is the best choice. Love is free, but the most perplexing fact is that the acts of love are not as ubiquitous as one would anticipate. The general population's subconscious minds have been programmed to easily grasp anything that is the opposite of love. We've grown accustomed to hate. Words like "haters", "enemies" are ubiquitous in television, songs that we listen to on the radio, even our favorite celebrities often use those words a lot. The more we are exposed to it, the easier it obtains a hold in our subconscious minds.
The same goes with raising children. The acts or events they often witness, play a role in building their subconscious minds. How a child grows up, determines what kind of an adult they'll be. There's no such thing as a child automatically learns to be responsible when they reach a certain level or age whereby they'll be deemed adults. A child is groomed.
This means that if you raise your children with love and teach them how to spread love and how to treat others with respect, you are simply helping your grandchildren by offering them better parents. All the events that occur as a result of the adults' actions, are being stored in the children's subconscious minds, and they grow up believing that whatever adults do is right. Therefore, we need to understand that love is a seed. A seed needs consistent watering and light in order to germinate. Love is also an everyday act, or objective.
We owe the world love.
The heart was made for love, but The Lord gave it options. It's up to an individual which option they choose. To a preponderance of individuals, love is a need, but they're often reluctant to offer the same to others. It's actually consanguineous to money. The more you give without expecting the same in return, you get more than you anticipate.
There's abundance in love, ironic how a preponderance of entities who claim to use their hearts to its last abilities, are oblivious to this. Love is essential, anywhere, anytime, everywhere and everytime. There are no special occasions for love, or a month of love as the general population often believes about February.
Love should be an everyday practice like giving away carbon dioxide, and the same as the tree limitlessly offer us oxygen whether we cut them off or burn them, they continue to fulfill their purpose. We, as humans, should learn to master the skill of programming our subconscious minds to sincerely shower one another with compliments, mostly, to be utterly sincere in expressing gratitude, apologies and forgiving others.
Love is of the essence.
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