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Self-consciousness (With or against society?) 

The less significant matter, is ubiquitous in the general population's hippocampi. What the hell is wrong with the general population's calvaria tools...including mine?

Life was supposed to be simple-Was created to be like that but then like the banking system: "Why not make a simple thing complex, if you can?" We are individuals who carry a few, or non-identical qualities who were created to reside in the same vicinity by an identical law in order to attain peace.

But we were supposed to be comfortable in being different and evangelize those who submit to conformity. Instead, we submit to conformity and collectively call ourselves "society". Yeah, that's the name that makes a predominat population of Christians be ashamed of saying grace when partaking fast foods or delectable meals at worldly-wise restaurants and find Muslims extremely cuckoo for temporarily closing their businesses during business hours, no matter how large the market is or how fast the business is going for that period, for an hour or two of prayer. 1% of the world, rules 99%. Well the 1%, controls the economy, system, governments, and the minds of the people.

Why don't we strive to be like the 1%? Why do we dream of owning cars, houses or assets that belong to the 1% with the work ethic of the people that belong to the 99%? Why do we fear society's opinions more than dying with no achievements having to be mentioned in our eulogies? Why do we sell our souls for materials? I'm certain, most of us cannot answer those questions but we do all the things that I asked in those questions. Which means we're going but we don't see nor know where we are headed. That's what self-consciousness does to one's third eye, it blinds it.

I mean, the name says it itself "self-conscious". Have you ever tried to walk or drive for a tad longer distance while not focusing on the way, but on yourself? If not, then do you think you'll make it to your destination while doing that? I think not! You'll definitely crash, that's exactly what's happening to the lives of people who are drowning in self-consciousness. It deprives you the connection you need with the universe. Actually, you're the one who bereaves yourself the connection with the universe because self-consciousness is all in the mind, hence wise old men would say "Master your mind, and anything is possible."

What, really causes self-consciousness?

"Oh no! please don't mention Phil Farnsworth again!"

Remember back then, when musicians', actors' or public figures' primary focus were mostly on their skillsets more than the fashion they endorsed, which made the children have the desire to chase their dreams no matter if that meant being in the opposite direction of society. Nowadays, fashion is more endorsed than talent. Which is why you find some musicians having more fans, not due to their music but due to their wardrobes. Television viewership is dominated by the young ones, which also deviates their focus from the talented individual to the fashionable individual. No matter how good they sing or rap, but that becomes utterly obsolete once the fashion comes into the picture...Of course, it is the speed of light. I once watched a movie titled "Billionaire Boys Club", and there's a scene which I deposited into my memory bank more than others, whereby this rich conman named Ron said to his interlocutor "Perception of reality is more realer than reality." Which made sense why politicians still continue to effortlessly fleece the general population with fake smiles on posters and billboards, and also make empty promises of service delivery which people still fall for at this day, in age. Which is why most people endorse the famous self-consciousness aphorism "You shall be addressed the way you're dressed."

So this means, if you had a room filled with the general population and you had to put a Billionaire and have him dressed like a bum, and on the other side get a regular man and engulf his back in expensive garments, while the people are in oblivion of who is who. Now if we ask the women in the room to select one guy, who do you think they might go for? Well, I guess that's pretty won't even need you to perform an experiment to confirm the hypothesis or to come up with a conclusion.

The predominant portion of the earth's population are in the working class, which means they always have to look representable and that comprises elongated time in mirrors, gobs of make-ups and colognes just to ride the bus, train or a cab(some use their cars which they attained through credit, of course). Crazy, right? The mirror and Television are the major reasons why the weave manufacturers, European designers, psychologists are coining it. When you turn on the Television, you'll see your idols and their idea of beauty will be contagious, because spending more time in the mirror will make you come to a realization that you look nothing like your idol, and you immediately lose sight of the beauty that engulfs your soul. You end up trading your soul and spend staggering amounts of cash you barely have just to be a tenant in someone else's shadow.

All this becomes a ridiculous paradox: You have the remote in your hands, but Television controls you. It tells you what's beautiful and what's not, who to love, who to hate. It has the power to even make you hate yourself. The reason why most dark skinned, black females bleach their skins, why they prefer weave over afro...if you're not cognizant, Television will make you a chattel or a puppet in oblivion.

The painful reality is that these celebrities are paid staggering amounts of money to subliminally emanate self-consciousness among black communities, owing to the fact that blacks are the predominant population who partake and take interest in anything that's labelled "entertainment" more than other races. The reason why anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses are rife among the youth in these present times. It's no coincidence, it was all carefully planned and implemented, kudos to the controllers of the system. They deserve their cat stripes for this one.

The system's a cat whiskers, indeed. If you paralyze the youth, then you've conquered the nation. Therefore the system's potent weapon are the calvaria tools of the young ones, the great Bantu Biko was right. Self-consciousness is in the mind. That's how powerful the mind is. The mind controls the whole body, some minds controls gobs of bodies, some even control the world.

The mind is extremely powerful, even apodyopsis takes place in the mind. My habit of being apodictic might have the authority embedding a price tag on my calvaria. But someone has to carry a filled scrotum, because the earth is filled with men who carry scrotums that stand toom. Many men are afraid of offending society, they'd trade their freedom of expression in order to not hurt society's feelings. Self-consciousness should be counted among chronic diseases. A preponderance of individuals who make up society, are infected daily.

Should we also blame genetically modified foods for this disease that has most individuals modifying their genetic attributes, which are deemed hideous to society. Society has really played a tectonic role in emanating self-consciousness among black communities. Do you really want to know who's responsible for making more people self-conscious? The best way to answer that question would be to offer every individual a mirror. We should strive to do what makes us feel alive, irregardless of what the society says because they're going to vocalize their opinions whether we move or remain stagnant. So why not be criticized for moving forward? Why not be criticized for losing the battle, than to never fight at all? The truth is, nobody has ever been to a funeral where everyone present speaks ill of the deceased.

You can travel to all spheres of planet earth, I doubt you'll ever find that kind of behavior in a funeral, instead everyone has only good things to say about the deceased. Live your life to the fullest, be lambasted by the hypocrites who are euphemized by the word society, who'll end up saying good things about you when you're a cadaver. Self-consciousness is consanguineous to a stain that anyone can hardly wipe off, therefore there's no better cure or treatment for self-consciousness than to live your life without looking at other people's grasses or worrying about what the neighbors think of your garden.

We need to create a society that will stop glorifying materials and stop treating, addressing or approaching their interlocutors based on what they have or what they wear. We should create a society of independent thinkers, not a population that is remotely controlled by Farnsworth's boxes and anything the media feeds them. We have to perpetuate the culture of treating each other with utmost respect irregardless of financial status, academic background or anything that mortal men acquire due to their efforts, in this world. Imagine if we could achieve that as an African nation, think of all the things we could achieve, think of the unrivaled network that we can create. We are the most powerful race in the planet, segregation, poor communication and, mostly, self-consciousness are what prohibits progress within the African continent. The subconscious mind is more powerful than the conscious mind, therefore it is also the predominant reason why self-consciousness can easily overshadow love. The first 7 years of life is for collecting all the habits and data that will be used by your subconscious mind, later on in your life. The first 7 years of a child, is whereby they copy all the actions that are done by adults around them, and that's where the habits and self-consciousness are installed in the subconscious mind.

In black communities, the preponderance of the population are the bourgeoisie, therefore which means children spend more time on Television more than with their parents and their subconscious minds are filled with all sorts of poison, considering how poisonous Television is during the times where the majority of the population are still awake. It's no coincidence, it's how the system works.

Playing shows that will empower or enlighten the public, will do more harm than good to the government and the authors of the system because it will decimate their plan of controlling the minds of the public and they will no longer be able to perpetuate self-consciousness and segregation among black communities, owing to the fact that enlightening shows will alter the general population into independent thinkers, and that's the last thing the government wants nor expects from it's credulous characters.

The government's worst fear is seeing those credulous characters emancipating. Slavery never seems to come to an end for Africans, the only difference now is that they voluntarily choose to be slaves. Fashion, make-up, artificial materials that are used to enhance beauty are some of the things that most modern Africans cannot live without today. It hurts to see how most Africans are still in chains today, when all we need to do is free ourselves from these abstract chains that have engulfed our calvarias. We need to teach one another to start perceiving each other as brothers and sisters who are worthy of being greater than they anticipate, irregardless of how much they have in their bank accounts,or how expensive their garments are. We need to perpetuate the culture of self contentment. If you were born without all those material things you kill for, let alone die for, then why let them own a portion of your soul?

Live free. Self-consciousness is an illusion.


Eye See

The objects of fear

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