Often, when the word "Education" is being uttered and attracts the auditory tools of the general population, formal education becomes the first subject that engulfs their calvarias.
The subconscious minds of the general population have been engulfed by the false idea that formal education is the only food their brains need in order to survive in this life. What a calamity!
The government is elected by the people, but the irony is that he ends up obliviously ruling the people. That's the culture of democracy. How come? It's a game of remotely controlling the minds of the people, and letting them believe that they control Phil Farnsworth's boxes with the remote controls that are often engulfed by their palms and fingers, while their derrieres are being glued to their couches during prime time.
It's all in the subconscious mind. The government force feeds your subconscious minds all the utter rotten applesauce it desires, while you're in utter oblivion. The funniest part is he has also programmed the minds of the general population to react aggressively to those who question this system that has become the coin of the realm for a preponderance of people, or whoever attempts to enlighten the oblivious entities.
A preponderance of people make up the bourgeoisie community, while a few become their heads. Therefore, the bourgeoisie will have to depend on the mainstream media, and the biggest propaganda machine called Phil Farnsworth's boxes. A box that keeps the general population's minds in a box. Simply, it means if you always depend on the knowledge that you're being fed, then your mind is in a cage because even with animals, the game in the zoo depends on the zoo keepers for their meals, while in the wild it's "who hunts, eats".
The calamity that a preponderance of entities are oblivious to, is that they were programmed to only be receptive to the government, capitalists and well-known people who are also part of the system that controls the general population's minds for their own benefit. Their subconscious minds are programmed to only function that way, to a point whereby they'd even lambast nor decapitate whoever attempts to enlighten them or challenges the generally accepted ways.
A preponderance of individuals have depended on only formal education, while being oblivious to the fact that it domestimates them and keeps them stagnant because formal education doesn't require independent thinkers.
Formal education, only focuses on grades more than ensuring that the learners or students achieve understanding on that particular subject, which is what the general population is oblivious to. No one has ever advanced in life with only formal education. It utterly baffles me how the general population, solely depends on this system of education in order for them and their offspring to gain knowledge.
That kind of mentality is what's keeping the general population at the bottom of the food chain. A receptive mind is more powerful than any vaunted entity. If we could programme our subconscious minds to approach every situation nor endeavors with the "I don't know" mentality, we would attain more knowledge and broader understanding of a lot of things that are often misunderstood by a preponderance of people, which also result in unnecessary quarrels or hatred that's being emanated and perpetuated daily in most African communities.
The mind is consanguineous to a glass. You fill it with water, drink and refill when it's empty so you can drink again owing to your thirst. Therefore, it is utterly nonsensical to fill a glass with water without the intention of drinking it or, rather fill it with water and leave it there forever.
The mind, is a tool that needs to be constantly updated and filled with knowledge in order to achieve sempiternal youth and be relevant in the present time. Life is all about learning, hence were given 24 hours each day until one is altered into a cadaver. How will it be possible to use knowledge you've attained decades ago in the present time?
Life is all about being in the now, while not neglecting the past and also preparing for the future.
A receptive mind achieves sempiternal youth.
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