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New Age Slavery

We're all familiar with the history of slavery, and how Africans were uprooted, humiliated and made to see themselves as worthless human beings who were created to serve another man who has a different skin color than theirs, and their subconscious minds were programmed to see the light skin men as more supreme or as their superior. Centuries later after physical slavery and oppression, they still perceive the light skin man as their superior. Way before colonizers set their feet in the African soil, before the racial segregation laws and slavery, before African countries had border gates, Africans were kings, queens and emperors.

But ever since slavery and post apartheid, slavery has become more severe than back then because this modern day kind of slavery gives Africans the illusion that they're free and they have everything in control but the truth is more hideous than slavery itself. We've seen how Africans from various African countries losing their minds celebrating dubious independence and freedom, while the hidden fact remains that they only have freedom of movement so in a sense they're still slaves.

 In South Africa, people were losing their minds, proclaiming their love in different ways one would use to express their gratitude and admiration for the man they thought was going to rescue them from their oppressors, but the least anticipated occured. Slavery is still in practice today.

Look at how a preponderance of Africans leave their beloved beds every morning to go to places they don't like but feel obligated to go to owing to the families they have to feed, the land they have to pay for living in, the water and electricity they use also have too be paid for.

None of the people, who consistently go to work achieve wealth. Has anyone ever scrutinized that paradox? People work for more than 4+ decades but attain no wealth when the retirement age approaches.

Back then, slaves would work their whole lives without taking leave or holiday, let alone without pay. In this modern day, slaves get paid enough money to take credit, and settle it or pay half of it the next month, then take another credit the following month. This is the reality for a preponderance of individuals who populate the working/middle class. Even self-consciousness has created its own slaves. "You shall be addressed the way you're dressed" an aphorism that has bred gobs of fashion slaves who die daily owing to self-consciousness.

Today, a preponderance of individuals cannot survive without materials and the worst part is that they indulge in their dubious honor or, rather engulf their souls in materials which result in sempiternal enslavement. We live in the generation of investing in looking like we've attained success instead of, actually working towards achieving success.

A preponderance of individuals are being owned and are suffering spiritually,emotionally and economically owing to the chains of self-consciouness. Most African can no longer live without make-up and all the materials that they require for artificial pulchritude.

The mirrors play a huge role in ameliorating nor augmenting people's self-esteems, owing to the fact that they cannot leave their querencia without consulting the mirror. So many people are living as slaves. This lifestyle has been deeply embedded in the subconscious minds of the self-conscious individuals. Their souls are under the ownership of these external materials.

 Television, also plays a crucial role in enslaving the general population. It dictates the way they think, live and react. It bereaves them the ability to think for themselves. Phil Farnsworth, never wanted his family anywhere close to the television he invented owing to his knowledge about the consequences of paying it your attention.

Today, the general population depends on it for entertainment, current affairs, trends and a whole lot of things. Some would even spend the whole day, glued to their couches just to show how powerful and mentally enslaving Farnsworth's invention can be. Smartphones have also created its own slaves, especially in the times we live in.

We see how individuals who are glued to their smartphones are ubiquitous in public spaces and also in our homes, even the person who's reading this is one of them. We've grown accustomed to serving our smartphones that we've even developed apathy for communicating nor interacting with other humans.

Some people would go as far as using their smartphones even in the charger. As time goes, slavery becomes diversified. Another dangerous form of slavery, is ignorance. Ignorance is extremely dangerous and the sad part is that a preponderance of people are oblivious to such peril.

The general population is programmed to perceive knowledgeable or, rather people who try to open their eyes as people who attempt to appear smarter than them. So many people are so comfortable with being ignorant to a point whereby they'd lambast or even want to physically want to assault someone who offers them knowledge. Others would even go as far as disputing a fact, while also refusing to do research.

Ignorance is not bliss. Slavery will never end. Therefore, it is every individual's devout obligation or responsibility to mentally enslave themselves and learn to be independent thinkers.   


Eye See

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