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Mutual respect can ameliorate gobs of lives

Often, a preponderance of individuals who are older within their vicinities or regions are dictated by the potential fallacy, or rather the insidious belief that adults are more superior, more knowledgeable and better in every aspect as opposed to the younger generation.

We are all familiar with the older generation's sempiternal querulousness regarding their blatant disconnection with the younger generation.

Why is it that life chooses to be the opposite of what it should be? Was it supposed to be like this or did both unclad Adam and Eve really partook that mysterious fruit that the general population's subconscious minds were programmed to believe they threw it past their respective uvulae?

So many wars have been fought in the past centuries and decades, people still fight today for many different things that mostly fulfill, only the physical part of our lives. Why is it that the generally accepted aphorism about failure that is often uttered by those who are bludgeoned by tempests and hurdles: "You learn from your own mistakes" but so many generations still repeat the past mistakes instead of learning from them and ameliorating their current states.

 The biggest obstacle that's hindering progress in black communities since post slavery and physical oppression, is communication-We still lack communication skills in our generation. There more electronic devices or, rather end devices being produced the more severe the lack of effective communication becomes. A preponderance of individuals have embraced the idea of being ornary as the rightful way to live as humans.

It utterly makes no sense for an ornary person to expect their interlocutor to be affable towards them-you simply receive the energy you offer. Unfortunately, the universe works that way. Discrimination is one of the major reasons why segregation is rife today. We have all kinds of discriminations you may think of, namely racism, sexism (misogyny and misandry), tribalism, homophobia, Xenophobia, afrophobia etc.

They're the reasons why there's so much unnecessary quarrel among disparate human beings today. The only barrier standing between those humans is understanding. Understanding is the foundation of effective communication, and effective communication is what the world needs to eschew all these violent acts, killings and segregation that engulf the world we live in today.

Understanding is achieved through questions. But that also depends on the interlocutors because others might view their interlocutors' questions as being too offensive, and others may not be sincere with their questions-it might be to get their interlocutors' reaction. The biggest problem is that not everyone has the same intentions, which makes it hard to achieve effective communication which could ameliorate gobs of lives in a way that a preponderance of individuals does not anticipate.

A lot of work still needs to be done in resetting the subconscious minds of the general population. Pride or conceit are also the reasons why so many people's lives are stagnant. Everyone wants to be more important than the next person, nobody wants to invest their effort in learning how to respect others unconditionally. The biggest calamity is that everyone wants to receive respect first before they can give it to others, which creates all this misunderstanding that reigns in our world today.

The biggest irony is that the young people of today's world have dreams of creating or owning big organizations or corporations, or being something big while they still lack the most basic skill that those organizations they dream of depend on, which is respect. It's so sad how a preponderance of individuals, often overlook the power of mutual respect within societies or communities. What is it that we lose when we give out love or respect to others?

What would hurt us if we offer the next person unconditional respect without expecting anything in return? Where does the need or desire to feel more important than others come from? The world is not so complicated, but mortal humans are the ones who complicate it by teaching all the hate, evil and self-consciousness to the younger generation instead of just teaching or programming the subconscious minds of the general population to perpetuate love, kindness and respect at all times.

 We need each other to resurrect the spirit of Ubuntu.


Eye See

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