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Reincarnation (History repeats itself)

How often have we heard the famous sempiternal prevalent aphorism: "History repeats itself"?

 How often have we witnessed history repeat itself? It requires knowledge of history in order to be able to recognize the fact that it repeats itself, of course. History is the collection of events that took place in the era that has passed, or rather we may refer to it as "yesterday".

History, always repeats itself-we're just oblivious. It, utterly baffles me when I hear a preponderance of earthlings perpetuate imbecility or ignorance by expressing how history doesn't mean anything to them, let alone these modern ignorant Africans who were mentally colonized by missionaries, who believe that their ancestors are evil but would voluntarily worship an ancestor they've never seen.

Reincarnation is an everyday event that takes place in every human's life, but the calamity is that a preponderance of individuals are oblivious to such events. Most would make futile attempts to dispute this fact, while they obviously live their lives doing the same thing with every 24-hours they're being given. What a calamity! It perplexes me how a preponderance of humans have cherished and embraced the idea of conformity and living a cycle.

 Reincarnation, occurs almost everywhere. A preponderance of Africans were slaves back then and they're still slaves today. Which truly proves that history does repeat itself. The most painful part is that a preponderance of Africans are still oblivious to this indisputable fact.

This is consanguineous to a hamster on a wheel. They are in constant motion but not moving forward, the same way people who pay for gym memberships would be stuck in traffic just to ride stationary bicycles and walk on treadmills but it's productive to them, which I doubt that I'd say the same about a preponderance of individuals who are being lulled by the idea of dubious freedom that the government uses to fleece them and also win their votes.

Formal education is also insidious to society, but atleast it keeps businesses going. In most African families, a job is an achievement that even gets celebrated, actually everything is an achievement worth celebrating. Africans celebrate more than they achieve, hence we're still at the bottom. The great-grandparents worked in the field for their colonialist masters, grandparents worked for caucasian and Indian capitalists, same with the parents and you also want to go through that route too despite having seen how those decades of serving those masters did not make them wealthy.

Since colonization, Caucasians have invested their hearts and souls in ensuring that the only reincarnation that takes place in Africa is the one that'll keep them on top of the rightful owners of Africa. In most African countries, Caucasians are still in power and in control, despite how most Africans act foolish by celebrating the so called "Independence day" while they still depend on their masters. Justice system, education system, media, entertainment, economy, agriculture and every major department of most African countries are owned by Caucasians.

The Africans are only offered freedom of movement and limited freedom of expression, they were also being lulled with the idea of dubious power by offering them top positions in corporate worlds, being in first pages of magazines, being on television and on the radio while the true masters acquire power and control behind the scenes.

Before colonization, slavery, racial segregation laws and Democracy that bereaves Africans and benefits Caucasians in the African soil, Africans were kings, queens, Pharoahs, Emperors and Empresses. Lack of knowledge of their true history and all the colonial ways and laws that were embedded in the subconscious minds of modern Africans have made it seem impossible for that history to be reincarnated in the African soil.

Africans need to come together, learn their true history and emancipate from mental slavery that is rife in the times we live in. More Africans must cleanse their subconscious minds and we shall have the reincarnation of kings, queens, Emperors and Empresses and Africans will be able to regain their power, but mostly we need to be cognizant of what we feed our subconscious minds. The less we consume all the mainstream buffoonery, the more power we'll gain over our portcullis and regain dominion.

Read the colonizers' generally accepted book that dictates the lives of most Africans today, Ecclesiastes 1:9-11 "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." 


Eye See

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