2 Cents: (This piece will utterly puzzle you! A Merriam Webster is required for this one...oh and a whole lot more)
Mansa Musa is the richest person that has ever lived, yet the general population is abysmally credulous that they believe their own continent is impoverished yet almost every continent achieves colossal developments from bereaving and fleecing Africa.
We all remember slavery that interrupted our beautiful history, back then it was more of a physical form of slavery which meant Africans would get bludgeoned and work all day in the fields without pay. Others were lynched, others were tied to a tree and set alight, others were decapitated, some were fed to crocodiles, sharks and lions and others were shot.
History is utterly gruesome, but thanks to all the activitists who fought relentlessly until all that came to an end. However, now, times have become worse compared to the days of physical slavery and oppression. Now, we live in an era where mental slavery is the coin of the realm. Slavery is consanguineous to a habit. They force you to do it at first and then you willingly do it as time goes on because it has been embedded in your subconscious mind, like Christianity.
The best way to clearly see how rife mental slavery is, scrutinize all the activities that the general population often participate in and use your cognitive perspective to conclude whether it's the correct way that humans who have a purpose in life were supposed to live.
Let me break it down in a simpler form, Africa is the NGO that feeds the world meanwhile the irony is that the natives of this continent are impoverished and they depend on handouts that those European dubious samaritans utilize to exploit and fleece credulous Africans, and they are disguised as NGOs who specialize in working relentlessly to convince Africans that they are extremely poor.
What a flabbergastingly odd paradox - The people who are indigenous to the richest continent are deemed the most impoverished in their own soil, and have grown to embrace it and be content with that kind of life despite having left slavery centuries behind them.
How are melanin dominant people still at the bottom economically, even post slavery and oppression?
Is it deliberate or maybe we were deceived - Those "Freedom Day" and "Independence Day" we often celebrate are nothing but a chimera, but we're in utter oblivion?
Many people claim we're free but more melanin dominant people still carry the dubious honor of being a caucasian capitalist's chattel with pride at this day, in age. Africans still celebrate whenever they've obtained an academic accolade despite not being able to earn a living, post graduation. Africans still don't own their healthcare, judicial, education, religious systems but they claim they are free and they celebrate the birthday of the man they equate to Christ, annually.
How can so many people be blind and be utterly convinced that their optical tools are properly functioning?
The whole idea is to canker the subconscious minds of credulous Africans and lull them with the idea that they are in power when they are actually obliviously giving away all their power. It was carefully designed, I mean this system of Democracy.
The way it is set up, true freedom for Africans is consanguineous to an endearing woman and Africans play the role of men who are forever indulging in apodyopsis without any promise of being close to experiencing boff. That's a calamity.
We invest our efforts, expressing our intense abhorrence for Caucasians, racism and white privilege when really the root cause of our poverty and failure to achieve economic dominance in our own continent is the rife segregation that has found a querencia in African or, rather, melanin dominant communities.
We need not to utilize tergivasation and further perplex you, this is simple - even the old famous aphorism of unity states: "United we stand, divided we fall" even the motto of one of the high schools in Vosloorus, Masithwalisane Secondary School states: "Succeed in Unity". A quintessence of the first mentioned aphorism is the melanin dominant race.
However, if you utilize your objective eye, you'd ascertain tribalism, academics vs "too cool for school" (Dropouts), blatant comparison of offspring, disparate religious views, jealousy, pride, self-hate, the list would be utterly equivalent to a sacred Asian's scroll. What I'm conveying is the point that we need to fix ourselves first, and amalgamate to retain our dominion and portcullis like our predecessors afore oppression.
This is a mental, psychological and spiritual war that we're facing and a preponderance of individuals seem to be abysmally oblivious. If we always plant seeds that can only be perpetuated by trees ( books) inside our calvarias, and be sempiternal seekers of truth, we can never be brainwashed. Where there are trees and seeds, you also find roots in between - and you can't wash seeds and roots. They are deep in the belly of the earth - water grows them, instead of washing them.
Not all of us are quite fond with the missionaries' edited book that has became the coin of the realm in the spiritual aspect of humanity (The Holy Bible) but we can't deny 1 Peter 4:7-9 because without love progression will be nothing but a chimera. Phil Farnsworth's boxes and the descendants of Simon Personal Computer have played a crucial role in further brainwashing the masses, if you look at when they were invented, to date.
If you're credulous, you'll end up being overly receptive to every bullshit you encounter. Wisdom is the key we need to rise as the melanin dominant nation. What better way to unlock or acquire wisdom than to provide mutual love among one another and empower one another, instead of this habitual indulgence of braggadocio when we achieve a portion of success?
When you get, share. Don't brag.
Share knowledge or uplift those around you, depending on how many you can uplift at a time. All this segregation, self-loathing, black on black attacks and crime that have been subliminally embedded into our subconscious minds are what hinders our progress. We should come together to fix those problems within ourselves because if we can conquer within, then the without will require less than minimum effort.
Let us cleanse our subconscious minds and embed the new law of love and unity. That's when we'll witness our economic emancipation.
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