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The poisoned subconscious minds of humans. (Part I)

An insidious calamity, is that a preponderance of humans are oblivious to the power that the subconscious mind possesses. The habits, the daily routines, pessimism, optimism, fear and all the involuntary actions are embedded in the subconscious mind.

However, you need to keep in mind that you're the one who feeds your subconscious mind, therefore you're responsible for your thoughts and what you feed it during your conscious state. We often hear people who aren't doing well in their lives constantly complaining about how things aren't going well for them and how life isn't fair, others predict that they won't be able to succeed due to the size of their obstacle or opponent.

Most of the time, their affirmations manifest. Why is it that so many people are poor, miserable, not doing well in life while only a handful are in power and manage to maintain a positive mentality? What, actually separates these two?

 Misery is addictive, so is happiness, success, pornography, alcohol, drugs etc. but what I've ascertained about addiction is that it solely depends on one's attention. What you pay attention to is what obtains a hold in your subconscious mind. Your attention is very important because it's a portion of your time, hence they say "pay attention". It is an extremely lucrative action that a preponderance of individuals are oblivious to. Learning, watching your favorite movie or TV show, browsing the net, scrolling through your timeline, all those activities require your undivided attention and the fact is what you pay attention to automatically obtains a hold in your subconscious mind.

Most billionaires make money from solving major issues and obviously selling solutions to the public. Microsoft, Amazon, Dangote Group, Eskom, Investec, Facebook, Instagram, Multichoice, FNB, Absa, Santam etc. are making billions from thinking differently from the general population and also preventing the public from learning how to think. If you have someone who'll constantly bring solutions to your problems at a blink of an eye, at your doorstep why would you still put an effort in using your brain to think?

The subconscious minds of the general population is constantly being fed poison daily which comprises the mainstream songs, prime time TV shows, daily conversations, social media and politics. Notice how the mainstream songs and music videos, primetime shows, cyberbullying and negativity that's being perpetuated in the cyber world are using a subtle way to perpetuate toxic behavior within society and communities.

A lot of young women often see photos of their favorite female celebrities being semi-unclad and keep in mind that their subconscious minds are filled with how perfect and influential these celebs are and the young ones aspire to be like them, in fact they want to be them. Therefore, whatever these celebs do is mandatory. If their favorite celebrities go unclad for the internet then why not follow in the footsteps of their idols because they want to be them? Conversations also play a major role in poisoning the subconscious mind. Most households in the lower and middle class communities see jobs as their best option to pursue safety and security in this world of uncertainty.

Therefore, the children are exposed to the life of having parents who need to go to their respective jobs in order to bring in money to buy a new bicycle, Xbox, new outfit and to pay for the school's field trip. That automatically becomes embedded in the younger generation's subconscious minds and they end up developing the desire to live that kind of lifestyle.

Another factor which has a huge impact is when their parents project their own fears on them and shoot down their dreams whenever they try to communicate their aspirations with them. The parents would often bludgeon them with statistics of people who have failed or became unsuccessful in that particular field and how the future of that field is uncertain as opposed to finding a government job that won't make you rich but comprises sempiternal employment and benefits. The people who were born in this continent are the ones who are at the bottom, economically. What a hideous paradox! It's consanguineous to being dictated by a visitor in your querencia. Being at the bottom, means you are limited.

You can't set rules, you simply lack power. If you don't have power you'll be dictated by those who posses it. Therefore, that's one of the reasons why poverty and insufficiency is ubiquitous in communities that are dominated by melanin dominant individuals. We are still chattels in our own land even after decades of putting an end to racial segregation laws and combating slavery. In South Africa, you're deemed superior if you're Caucasian, Indian or Asian, even a selected tribe of Africans who possess a portion of economical power (Nigerians). a preponderance of melanin dominant South Africans are at the bottom economically and have embraced the mentality of possessing the strong feeling of entitlement to handouts.

Entertainment is one of the factors that paralyze the melanin dominant communities economically, and to add salt to the wound is that a preponderance of motion pictures that are ubiquitous in Phil Farnsworth's boxes exposes entertainment and utilize the subtle way of exposing the best reasons to indulge or invest in entertainment. Melanin dominant people are ubiquitous in Farnsworth's boxes but are still at the bottom economically. Our subconscious minds were embedded with the mentality of prioritizing conspicuity over power and generational wealth or long-term mentality.

 We've passed slavery where the melanin dominant people were oppressed mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally and then went to the melanin dominant people being oppressed by racial segregation laws whereby the melanin dominant people were still in the state of oppresion as slavery. We went passed those times, and we're at an era where opportunities for every race are ubiquitous but the melanin dominant people are still at the bottom. Why? 


Eye See

The objects of fear

The great Bantu Biko , once said that fear is an important determinant in South African politics. In fact, that’s what all governments use to contain the civilians. Fear, is not the power that one attains, but the power that he is given by the ones who fear him.  Allow me, to quote the legendary Biko: “It is a fear so basic in the considered actions of black people as to make it impossible for them to behave like people---let alone free people.” “One must not underestimate the deeply imbedded fear of the black man so prevalent in white society. Whites know only too well what exactly they have been doing to blacks and logically find reason for the black man to be angry. Their state of insecurity however does not outweigh their greed for power and wealth, hence they brace themselves to react against this rage rather than to dispel it with open-mindedness and fair play.” “It sometimes looks obvious here that the great plan is to keep the black people thoroughly intimidated and


Christians would think of Jesus, first, when this word is being mentioned. According to Merriam Webster dictionary, it is the rising again of all the human dead before the final judgment; or the state of one risen from the dead. It is, simply, about revival nor the process of renewal. In Christianity, Jesus Christ was crucified and resurrected on the third day. In the African culture, resurrection comprises a nexus with ancestors nor the ones who are considered deceased or late, on earth, like Christ. We may find resurrection being elucidated in a variety of ways from disparate perspectives and, mostly from religious perspectives. In the ancient Greek religion, there are many instances where the concept of resurrection gains enormous relevance. Memnon, who was killed by Achilles, was resurrected.  Achilles, after being killed, was resurrected by his mother, Thetis. Asclepius, was resurrected and altered into a more colossal deity, subsequent to being killed by Zeus.  Alcest


“Dark” the total absorption of light nor utter absence of light; the most feared state. There are nyctophiles, also. It is quite kenspeckle that the hoi polloi had been programmed to associate dark or the darkness with only nefarious, uncongenial, evil things; the hilarious part is that this idea or thought was popularized by those who are subjectively attracted to the light or the white color. For centuries, we’ve seen and still see how the dark people and all other people were convinced that black or dark is the antonym of pulchritude. Credulous Africans, who lack self-knowledge, believed it. Hence, for decades, we’ve seen (and still do) dark people altering their pigment to be lighter, in lieu of dark. Most, claim it’s a decision they took, not out of self-contempt. But, change, inextricably makes the past existence of a substance nor image to often be treated with contempt, if not utter.  If you take a good look at this “black" or “white" matter, you’d ascerta