A simple thought sparked in Walter’s mind, and Disney was born. The same happened with John Pemberton, Sir Colonel Sanders, Bill Gates, Elon Musk and Coca Cola, KFC, Microsoft and Tesla were created, respectively. An exchange of words can result in a crime scene. A famous aphorism that states: a little, goes a long way" seems to prove that less is, indeed, more.
I know we, as the cornucopia of the population, neglect the impact that little actions produce. Think of what could happen if you would throw a burning match stick or a “stompie" cigarette without putting out the flame at the filling station where there are copious amounts of fuel on the floor…Vilfred Pareto discovered the power of minimal effort and introduced it to the general population in 1906, it is still relevant in today’s world.
However, Pareto's concept is solely focused on being effective. I’d like us to peruse this concept, holistically. Lest us look at the good and the bad outcomes that can result from minimal effort or action. Look at the size of the bullet and the impact it has. An idea can be altered into something colossal and scrutinize how a president can rule the minds of millions of individuals. Even in the book 48 laws of power, it is stated that “say less than necessary” if you seek to attain power. The world is continually evolving, more companies are opting for the method of cutting costs, which is deploying AI machines and this option also enhances productivity as opposed to humans, however, human contribution will never be extinct. The point is to elucidate how less is deemed more, and how enormous outcome can accrue from minimal effort.
As much as the book 48 laws of power stipulates that less talk means more power possession, but less talk bereaves any relationship its power to survive. Something as minor as silence can have a major impact on any relationship. Eye contact can turn strangers into overnight enemies and a war might ensue from something as simple as eye contact.
We, as humans, are making a huge mistake by being deliberately oblivious to the negative, insidious effects that small actions can have on us and also the positive, enormous impact that these minor actions can result. A preponderance of individuals are still locked up by the belief of “less means less" and “more means more" – But there’s a potential fallacy in such thinking. A construction worker may spend a minimum of 40 hours per week doing extremely consuming physical work and earn a little, compared to a CEO of a corporate business who earns more than the whole company while all he does is to share his or the company’s vision with the management and watch the company’s dividends reach Mount Everest top.
The power of minimal effort or action has the ability to produce more than we may anticipate. Hence, in today’s world “hard-work" has been superseded by “smart work". It is time the people of this planet ascertain that less is more, from smartphones, cars, trains, laptops etc. Proves that less is the coin of the realm in the world.
However, this concept should never be confused as a way of emanating indolence, or propelling the mindset of taking shortcuts more than the actual route. This concept is about how a little can produce a lot and vice versa.
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