Canker the subconscious minds of Africans, is the primary objective. This is the current war that most Africans are severely oblivious to. Expose Africans to anything and everything that’ll continually impel them to invest on frivolous thoughts, materials and to think small at every chance they get to utilize the tools that reside between their ears. The plan is simple, and if you have obtained feasible understanding of the art of war, you’d ascertain that the best way to defeat the enemy who surpasses you in magnitude is to divide them. No matter how many your opponents may be, but if you can effectively divide them nor program their minds to eschew any opportunity that impels them to unite then you’ve won that battle before you even meet with your opponents in the battlefield. I hope that has helped you experience an epiphany of why Africa is still not under the ownership of Africans, despite how many centuries and decades of years we’ve buried slavery and racial discrimi...
Enlightenment for Africans.