Pleasure is one of the aspects of life that every living human being seeks, but the irony is that we abhor failure while being oblivious to the inconspicuous fact that pain is actually the mother of pleasure. Without rigorous training and a good mindset, it’s extremely impossible for a team to win championships, without studying you’ll never attain the grades you desire or gain a better understanding of a certain subject – the list will equate a scroll if I would continue to go on about various situations to prove how pain results pleasure.
Pain is not such a pleasant feeling, but once you learn the outcome that results from pain and endurance then you’ll begin to look at it in a different perspective. Without pain, pleasure would be a foreign word to us because it is impossible to ascertain the perks of joy if you’ve never experienced pain nor heartache. The most perplexing part is finding people who lambast setbacks, pain, failure but claim their biggest desire in life is success, joy and pleasure. Understand this, for every win, there has to be a loss, for every happy home, the must be a past of tears and heartbreaks. Therefore, whatever it is that we truly desire in our lives, we have to understand and embrace the fact that we have to sacrifice ourselves, a lot of people and materials that we are emotionally attached to in order to reach our goals.
There’s gobs of evidence that can be gathered to prove that pain precedes pleasure. If not all, most of us know the famous aphorism: “Nothing worth having comes easy” and we can definitely conclude that it is utterly true. Everything great, or worth having requires sacrifice, dedication, perspiration and persistence. Nothing comes overnight, unless it’s downfall we’re speaking of. Ask every great person, or successful person you know what it took for them to get to where they are and also what it took from them. They’ll tell you that they had to learn to neglect certain habits, they even lost a lot of friends in order to attain what they have. It would be best for us, the general population, to also understand the inextricable fact that stipulates that you have to go through pain in order to enjoy pleasure – it’s part of life. Some call it “earning stripes”.
You, as an individual, must clear all the noise that emanate from society, that has engulfed your cognitive thinking and train your subconscious mind to embrace pain, most importantly, program your subconscious mind to develop the habit of seeing impediments, setbacks, pain and failure as the ornament that will adorn whatever goal that you want to achieve.
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