This concept is self-explanatory nor utterly lucid and I, boldly, believe that any mortal human has the ability to feasibly achieve thorough understanding of the subject at hand. In sports, war nor any form of environment where competition is the coin of the realm, the one who attains power is inevitably the one who attacks the most…which is pretty kenspeckle that the defensive team bites the dust.
In my opinion, I’d say defence is the result of fear of exposure to attacks. However, defence means that you do not hit your opponent, which deprives you the opportunity to be engulfed by the possibility of a win.
This concept, also subtly elucidates the significance of “consistency”. If you consistently defend yourself, a loss is inextricably inevitable; same goes with the consistent attacker, his eventuality is a definite win. Hence, Elon Musk once said “Where your focus goes, your energy flows".
Indeed, it seems like the fear of loss makes one lose more than they would ever anticipate. Same goes with human interaction, the one who always eschews the opportunity to interact with other humans, ends up with a limited nor no social life at all.
The ones who always take the initiative to be the first to attempt to initiate a conversation, end up having very large social circles.
Defence is very important in every human’s life; however, too much of it eventuates a calamity. You attack a lot, you either lose or win. You defend a lot, you only lose. In essence, defence, has one outcome…which is losses. The same goes with life, the ones who execute more end up achieving their dreams, while those who play the defensive role, which is to eschew making an execution owing to an immense fear of failure, end up settling for stagnancy. No one, in life wants to remain at the same position forever yet not everyone has the courage to take action which comprises mysterious outcome.
Taking action nor execution, is consanguineous to what they call “speculative risk"; the probability of a win is equivalent to the probability of a loss.
Why do we always find comfort in defence?
Why do we fear taking action that will determine whether we are fit nor a lot of effort still needs to be invested in ameliorating ourselves. However, the biggest problem is that so many with the fixed mindset, are enormously afraid of experiencing an epiphany of their imperfections. To them, it’s consanguineous to their fall from grace. Their devout belief of being flawless breeds the fear of committing errors nor producing work which comprises faults. It seems, we, the people seek this perfection that we often see in our respective chimerical worlds which deprives us the fact that we have to live. A paradox, indeed. We are in this life to live our whole lives, neglecting life.
Why are we living that kind of life?
Most would blame formal education for convincing us that making mistakes nor failing a task means we are no longer worthy of being great…we are utter failures! Some would blame their upbringing nor their perfect past of back to back achievements, which has made the idea of failing foreign to them. However, the correct person to blame is none other than ourselves because we neglect the inextricable fact that a brain is akin to energy; it can be altered from one form to another. As much as we were made to believe that Jesus is white, tooth fairy exists, Santa Claus and elves exist and all the utter rotten applesauce we’ve been fed all this time, we have the ability to reprogram our subconscious minds to eject all those mythical characters that rule the subconscious minds of the general population; it is safe to say we have partook in this buffoonery, involuntarily. Therefore, we have the power to alter our past beliefs nor reprogram our subconscious minds in order to expose ourselves to more possibilities.
No success has ever been achieved from defence…
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