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Canker the subconscious minds of Africans II

The system’s devout objective, is to ensure a black man, sempiternally, remains at the bottom. The biggest fear, is that if a black man could emancipate from the chains of mental slavery and achieve total freedom and independence, he’ll experience an epiphany of how powerful he is and he will no longer need anyone else but himself for survival and for the governing of his continent.

Why is it that the people who were born in Africa, whose ancestors were kings and queens who once owned the whole of Africa, are at the bottom, today?

In Azania (Commonly known as South Africa), ubiquitous views include a minibus taxi which is filled with Africans while other races, who came with planes and ships are always travelling in their luxurious vehicles and also living in neighborhoods where no one is below a million, in net worth. The most hilarious part, is that it has been normalized. Imagine, being a maid or a gardener at your parents’ house. Buffoonery at the highest level. My sole intention is not to impel Africans to engulf their minds with the victim hat, but to help them attain a lucid exegesis nor image of the power that they are severely oblivious to.

It seems like those who control the world nor the minds of Africans have experienced the epiphany of how powerful the mind is, and they knew that by enmeshing the mind, they shall attain dominion and total power. The secret is to ensure that the conscious minds of Africans are being fed frivolous and fruitless images and ideas that’ll inevitably obtain a hold, eventually. As simple as that. 

However, it is not as simple as you may think about it nor utter it; it requires consistency, persistence and the one who plays the role of the captor nor master to always be ahead of the mental slave. Basically, the whole idea is to ensure that Africans do not acquire the opportunity to think independently nor open their eyes to the unscrupulousness and nefarious intentions of their masters. One can conclude that it is a game of minds. The credulous ones are the most potent tools that the evil masters can utilize to their satisfaction.

The plan is really simple. Africa is a huge continent which comprises gobs of humans; therefore, the best method to own the land of Africa and attain power over its natives is to use every method of perpetuating segregation and mostly ensure that frivolous materials are ubiquitous in their environments in order for those images to feasibly obtain a hold in their subconscious minds, while they are in utter oblivion, of course. Television, media and most of the visual platforms that the general population utilize for entertainment and information are owned and controlled by the powerful ones. 

Therefore, it is easier to brainwash the masses and subtly embed the beliefs that the master wishes them to devoutly embrace. The powerful masters have mastered the art of subtlety. Notice how they use the word “entertainment” as a euphemism for “brainwashing”. Television, music and social media are platforms that make it easier for every individual to exercise their power and to gain a cornucopia of followers. For instance, musicians often vaunt frivolous materials in their songs which happen to be catchy and appealing to the naïve and vulnerable youth that still seek to belong to a group that they deem valuable nor a querencia; therefore, the government and the unscrupulous leaders have ascertained this powerful information which they have used to augment their power. 

Power is consanguineous to money, “enough” is a foreign word. The more you acquire, the more you seek to attain. In essence, those who are in power never use any opportunity that may be offered to them to rest, simply because they realize the peril that would be subsequent to their loss of power.

Those who hold power, also hold power of the hypnotic and brainwashing industry, commonly known as the entertainment industry nor showbiz which effortlessly attains the attention of the youth. If not all, most African youth would literally create a cadaver to obtain a space in that industry. 

Africans are deeply infatuated with exposure; therefore, the powerful ones who control the world know very well that the youth is in dire need of opportunities that’ll ensure they get heard nor seen, mostly seen. Everybody wants to be famous, but only a few invest in ameliorating their skills. Africans are more ubiquitous in the fashion world more than Italians. Hence, they’re the well known victims nor slaves of bad credit. They spend so much on fashion and frivolous materials that they end up spending the money they don’t have in order to attain their beloved materials; this mentality has even impelled modern Africans to value materials more than souls. I believe, now we have an idea of why the aphorism “you shall be addressed the way you are dressed” is being enormously vaunted and exalted in the African communities. In African communities, the respect you receive is contingent upon the clothes you wear nor the materials you possess. This mentality has gone as far as being the generally accepted criteria for romantic relationships. In the townships and most African communities, a woman would want to know what materials you possess for they increase your chances of initiating a romantic relationship with that woman; unconditional love is a foreign language within African communities, as of late.

Materialism is more detrimental than Robert Gallo's HIV/AIDS. The true image of an African woman in African communities dwindle as time goes on. Bleached skin, artificial nails and weaves are ubiquitous in black communities. The same communities which are classified as poor or lower class are the ones which comprise gobs of weave customers, who stop at nothing to purchase weave even if its price would be R10 000. If you open your eye, you’d ascertain that “materialism” is the oppressors’ subtle way of perpetuating segregation within black communities. Black women who are at the bottom, financially only want men who are not at the bottom which impels black men to start being frequent at the shopping malls more that the women in order to attain garments that’ll help them obtain the image of a man who’s doing financially well nor outstanding, which eventuates in the man being emotionally, spiritually and financially low and unsatisfied; those feelings are contagious because they get transmitted to women who obliviously pursue the life of promiscuity to attain the frivolous materials that seem more appealing than getting educated, to them.

The concept of “black tax" is further creating more imbeciles in the black communities. 

Back then, it was known that as Africans, our sole reason for attaining things is to share them with our African siblings in order to ensure that we all rise so we could be a strong, independent and unshakable society. 

However, this concept seems to do the utter opposite in order to perpetuate segregation and hatred among black people. The sad part, is that it seems to gain popularity in the black communities.

My fellow Africans, by this I seek to eradicate the mentality that is tardily growing in our communities. The mentality of looking down on each other, discriminating against each other, hating one another and the mentality of seeing the lack of prioritization as a great boon. 

We should seek to reprogram our subconscious minds and ensure we populate them with positivity, progress and love. 

Never, ever allow them to canker your subconscious mind.


Eye See

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