“We are all equal”, words we often hear from those who carry a different perception and perspective of the world nor life. Do we believe them? Should we believe them? How accurate is that statement?
Collectively, we are “people”; individually, we are known as a “person”.
Therefore, it would be deemed fit to conclude that life is a paradox nor an oxymoron.
Hence, the title of this piece.
The world comprises billions of human beings, but the perplexing fact is that not all of them reach their full potential nor reach their respective crescendos like they were supposed to. How is it possible?
Does this mean there are humans who were created to be better than others? Were other humans created to be at the bottom? Can anyone decipher the whole setting of humanity?
However, what utterly befuddles me is the fact that every live human being is being provided 24 hours to make a difference nor to fulfill their daily devout objective nor obligation that make up the long term goal of creating a legacy that will achieve sempiternal relevance since immortality is out of the question for humans. One may utilize their cognitive perspective nor critical thinking abilities to conclude that those who are at the top have ascertained a secret that the general population is still abysmally oblivious to.
The big question is, where did they find this secret?
Within! The answer is within every individual.
All humans were created equally, irregardless of whether their disparities impel the general population to perceive them as disabled nor a poorman’s able-bodied person. Every human being bleeds, every human being is mortal, every human being partake oxygen and excretes carbon dioxide, every human being what provided with the same essential qualities that the next person comprises; most importantly, every human being was presented with a gift that not even the mythical creatures known as Santa Claus, elves and tooth fairies can offer, which is often referred to as the subconscious mind…
The subconscious mind is the thin line that separates the average from the great. Your success is inextricably contingent upon the quality of your subconscious mind. Hence, James Allen once uttered: “As a man thinketh, he becomes”, simply your life is a result of the quality of your thoughts nor mindset. Therefore, it is safe to conclude that diet is imperative. One needs to consistently be cognizant of what they feed the tool that reside inside their calvaria.
The order of the mind is simple…what the conscious mind considers a “first impression”, the subconscious mind makes sure that it lasts. Hence, the formation of the famous aphorism “first impression lasts". It is enormously imperative for every human being to ensure that they feed their subconscious minds nutritious food for their solely depends on what their subconscious minds comprise. By disparate consanguinity, I seek to elucidate the disparities that offer the conspicuous consanguinity within us, and ensure that our consanguinity does not impel us to be comfortably drowning in the sea of oblivion while we dubiously convince ourselves that we’re floating. No man has ever experienced epiphany from keeping their calvaria locked. The key to unlocking the greatness of the power of the subconscious mind is to develop the quality that a preponderance of individuals lack, which is often referred to as receptiveness. What a calamity!
Receptiveness is the tool that most humans utilize in order to perpetuate a unified, harmonious multiracial community nor the sole reason for different tribes to coexist in the same vicinity without any possibility of altercations, tumult nor a nation that abhors one another owing to conspicuous disparities. Therefore, I implore my fellow Africans to utilize the aid of consistency, determination and sempiternal effort in embedding the most powerful tool that will help humanity eradicate this disparate society that comprises rich and poor.
Through receptiveness we shall annihilate the mentality of seeing nor labeling every situation that could breed a life changing opportunity as “impossible”.
Our kenspeckle disparities are what our eyes are in dire need of, to ascertain our universal consanguinity.
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