What’s the first idea that comes into the general population’s minds when taking a photo, is to smile. A smile is ubiquitous in photos. Photos are meant to be a physical representation of a memory, and who wouldn’t want to have a photo of them smiling, in their album? A smile is a colossally powerful expression; even a non-living thing like a photo can augment your serotonin levels. Basically, it is proof that “happiness”, truly is a universal language and every human being wishes to make it their own querencia. However, such can be achieved. Do, acknowledge the fact that a lot of work would be required from you in reprogramming your subconscious mind.
Many, are living a paradoxical life. They seek happiness, yet their respective demeanours are a quintessence of misery and sadness. It is generally accepted to be mad or frowning for no valid reason; if you are seen smiling nor laughing for a reason that no other human, except you, comprehends…then you are deemed mentally unsound. Such is tremendously hilarious.
I solemnly swear that whoever can come forward and inform the general population that he sells happiness, would supersede the current “world’s richest man" overnight.
Irregardless of our disparities, we all seek happiness. An inextricable fact.
However, how many truly delve deeper to ascertain the true key to happiness nor fulfilment? Many humans are ornery, yet they play “utterly flabbergasted” when they seldom meet people who offer them an affable approach. Befuddling, I say!
The biggest calamity, is the fact that our subconscious minds were programmed to adopt and embrace the mentality of entitlement. Apparently, we are so convinced that all the rich people owe us, the government owes us. An example, would be all those people who lambast their fellow Africans who have attained a portion of wealth, for not sharing their fortune with the “have-nots". Allow me to be blunt, a wealthy man doesn’t owe you shit! Why would you want someone who has worked harder than the ordinary human who squanders every 24-hours they get, to donate a portion of their wealth nor send the poor man’s children to varsity? The question we should be asking ourselves is, how come we all have 24 hours in a day, but these individuals seem to achieve more than we can ever dream of achieving? Why can’t we affably approach them and kindly request them to share their method because requiring them to donate money, will never take us anywhere far nor bring us to their level. Money, is never enough!
What is happiness?
Can anyone provide a lucid exegesis of the concept?
Happiness, the way eye see it, is acquiring a pure soul. Being water…Be water!
Water is pure; however, it can be affected feasibly by external aspects. You can immerse concentrated juice in water and attain a diluted juice. The fruits also have liquid substance in them, which will divert us back to the process of planting seeds and the process of germination. All the water that was being used to grow that tree. The significance of the process of photosynthesis, cannot be ignored.
Therefore, if one can apply their cognitive perspective in attaining true understanding of this concept they’d ascertain that in order to reach your crescendo, you need to invest more than all you’ve got. Water, light, heat, air, consistency and more than you can think of; Are all you need to reach your goal of creating a tree that will produce fruits to feed the nation. The same goes with the process of attaining Eudaimonia.
However, for us humans, it is more tricky owing to the requirements of attaining the success we desire. The secret is to master your within and ensure that the without is not potent enough to affect your inner peace negatively. You must reprogram your subconscious mind to work in a way that will utterly be aligned with your goal of reaching Eudaimonia. This means whatever people think nor say about you should be utterly irrelevant to you. Your devout obligation is to ensure that your within is in a good state in order for your without to be engulfed with positivity, optimism and all kinds of beautiful.
Reaching the state of Eudaimonia means being in utter harmony with your inner being, mostly, you must master your subconscious mind…
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