“Always oppose the direction of the general population…” Masimbamagundwane's (my late grandpa) habitual utterances. In a world of sheep that would kill to obtain “uMalusi", I choose to kindly offer a lucid exegesis of the art of indulging in the comfort of expressing one’s disparities despite the chief population playing identical twins.
What does it mean to be different?
To be human, is to be different…the world comprises people, animals, trees and other objects that populate the planet. The collective word is “people” and the singular word is “person”. Others refer to it as an individual nor individuals. The process of birth should make it inextricably conspicuous that at the end we are alone. You were alone when you exited your mother’s womb, even in twins it’s one at a time; so shall be your demise-you'll be alone. However, the most perplexing part is that the world comprises people who have embraced nor have grown to be emotionally attached to the “replica mentality”. People, are afraid of being different, and that impels them to abhor those who boldly indulge in being peculiar. It’s tremendously hilarious, really, how the world moves.
In today’s world we have trends that contemporaneously precede and succeed one another; they get the same magnitude of reaction from the general population. There’s unfathomable power in understanding, but the sad part is that the general population is comfortably in oblivion of such power. They usually react before they understand a situation, in lieu of doing the opposite. What a calamity! Look at how the unconventional individuals are often being treated within society. Look at how promiscuous women, women who got impregnated out of wedlock, homosexuals, marijuana smokers, those who have not acquired varsity accolades etc. are being treated within their respective vicinities. It seems like so many people are severely unconscious in the coma of conformity. Conformity, is the coin of the realm in our communities; to be contrary to common law is deemed blasphemous.
The legendary Wizard of Omaha once said “be fearful when others are greedy; be greedy when others are fearful”. It was his two cents for rookie investors, but his utterances are contemporaneously of relevance to life.
Animals are my favorite species on earth, they perform what the general population often refers to as “being comfortable in your own skin”. Animals don’t just utter frivolous utterances, they do exactly what the general population of humans’ dubious practice in their chimerical world.
However, being different and comfortable is not for the faint-hearted. It requires heart!
The art of disparate mentality requires one to feasibly be able to circumvent criticism, misunderstanding that is often translated as hate and all the negativity that may be supplied by conformists nor sheep. If you are puny, then they may effortlessly canker your soul which may eventuate in you being evangelized by the conformists. Never, ever second guess yourself. You must boldly honor your decision and comprehend that it is a sempiternal commitment to be disparate.
The art of disparate mentality is contingent upon your subconscious mind…
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