“First impression lasts", “You shall be addressed the way you’re dressed”, “when you look good, you feel good"…All those aphorisms that are generally accepted, elucidate how shallow and materialistic the general population is. It, now, makes sense why the minority of the population rules the majority. The general population’s chief investment is in the external aspects, hence most of the population comprises inferior people.
“First impression lasts"
Oh! Now, I believe I have experienced an epiphany of how the general population was programmed to think…The external aspects of life, mostly do not hold earth-shattering value to one’s life and the elites invest their chief effort in adorning the physical aspects in a way that the subconscious minds of Africans were programmed to be so emotionally attached to them that they even vaunt them more than the inconspicuously significant aspects of life which are, inextricably, found within.
I believe the previous paragraph impelled your synapses to relocate from one neuron to its respective. If not, then I believe you need to swiftly astir and partake gobs of caffeine before the plump woman sings. The exegesis of the above is, simply the external aspects of life are being adorned to an extent that the general population’s habitual addressing of their interlocutor is often, dictated by the physical aspects they possess. Hence, the fallacious generally accepted aphorism “you shall be addressed the way you are dressed”.
I boldly say, whoever finds me erroneous should answer me this first: Allow me to say, to the devout believers of this aphorism, if you didn’t know who Mark Zuckerberg truly was and you bump into one another, at a public place, and he happens to attempt to initiate a conversation; how would you, honestly address him, especially in compliance with your devout belief?
Ok! “You shall be addressed the way you’re dressed”
Mark Zuckerberg again, or maybe another opulent figure that does not comply with the laws and norms of the general population, as far as demeanors’ concerned?
The list of millionaires and billionaires who do not comply with the laws of fashion, is consanguineous to a scroll; however, they possess the most power in the world. That’s colossally perplexing, I say. The truth is, it’s not. It’s all simple, but the hardest part of reaching the crescendo is execution…walking, that is.
Still, this generally accepted aphorism, I deem fallacious.
“When you look good, you feel good"
This one is the one I find most hilarious. If you peruse this aphorism, you’d ascertain the fallacy it comprises. The former is “looking good" and the latter is “feeling good".
Looking good is without, and feeling good is within. Therefore, using my cognitive perspective, I’d conclude that this is consanguineous to wearing your underwear over your pants. If external aspects are what you direly need to feel good, then you are nothing less or more than a slave. A chattel, that is; and materials are your master. If this aphorism is the coin of the realm, then it means the general population would be diagnosed with depression and high levels of anxiety. Their confidence depends on the tangibles that are, mostly found at the mall and at the retail stores. The general population invests on ephemeral materials. What a calamity!
All these laws that govern the lives of the majority of the population are severely fallacious, yet they’re still deemed the coin of the realm, which makes sense why the minority rules the majority. Their secret is investing most of their effort in ameliorating self. That’s something, the general population neglects or, rather is utterly oblivious to. The power of self is inconspicuous, hence, the stupid aphorisms that dictates the general population’s perception is of no relevance to those who have invested in self nor within. Whatever you comprise within is sempiternal, unless you decide to reprogram your subconscious mind. Hence, the wise utilize every chance they get to reiterate the fact that the only parts of human that achieve sempiternal youth are the heart and mind. If you feed them well, your life will be an amusement park.
Look at Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, The Wizard of Omaha, Aliko Dangote. One thing they have in common, according to the general population is “a lot of money"; but, the truth is that one thing they have in common is that they realized the power of investing in within in order to attain whatever without compromises. You can take their billions, but they’ll still be able to make more billions irregardless of, nor subsequent to their loss. You know why? Because what you have within, cannot be taken by anyone else.
We have heard people who have won the lottery before but, eventually went back to their initial financial status before attaining the fortune. Why does that happen? It is, simply the lack of investment in within. To people who never invest in within, a loss is consanguineous to dooms day.
I do not intend to be verbose; however, my devout intention is to provide Africans with a lucid exegesis of the power that one can possess if they invest, if not all, most of their time and effort in ameliorating self nor within.
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