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Blind Consciousness

How often do we convince ourselves that we know better than others nor we are more knowledgeable, compared to the next man? Knowledge is power, the hoi polloi agrees. 

However, have we also perused the possibility of knowledge being an insidious weapon to destroy us? Most of us believe that attaining gobs of information nor knowledge means were enormously knowledgeable that we should no longer be receptive. 

We normally, see it happen in black families nor communities where the unemployed nor the ones who are not financially well being treated with little respect nor utter contempt; or those who cannot speak, read nor write English proficiently being deemed an imbecile nor illiterate or utterly uneducated. 

Blind consciousness is a detrimental mentality that needs to be eradicated in black minds and communities. It is the one which halts progress in our communities and our nation. Some would refer to it as “narrow-mindset" nor “tunnel vision”. It’s consanguineous to individuals who utilize, only their own perceptions to make conclusions.

In black communities, there’s a tendency of people concluding that someone is full of conceit, while the accuser(s) haven’t even attempted to initiate a conversation with that person, only owing to how that person never exudes any characteristics of extroverts. The accusers are often called “subjective people”, and it is this population that carry the fixed mindset. Plato, once said “The wisest man on earth is the one who know that he knows nothing”. These words further elucidate the importance of sempiternally seeking knowledge and understanding of everything that happens in our lives, in lieu of eschewing situations nor laws that will dispute the ones we already abide by nor the ones which will challenge our current beliefs, irregardless of the level of correctness. Hence, it is called a “fixed mindset”, because it impels you into becoming the person who abhors changes but wants everything to remain fixed. It’s as if you’re contradicting yourself; you hate  change but believe in fixed laws…change is also “fixed” because it is sempiternal. 

Change is something that always happens; it Is, simply, a fixed event but it’s flabbergasting how we’re so tremendously oblivious to that irrefutable fact.

The wise, often say “it takes a lifetime to know yourself” but too many people have different beliefs such as “life begins at 40” or “nobody loves you when you’re a certain age", to name a few. These are some of the reasons why we end up comparing ourselves nor our progress to that of others, then end up attempting to alter our natural aspects in order to fit the description of the hoi polloi’s idea of beauty due to Blind Consciousness. 

We think we know while we’re in utter oblivion. A calamity! Blind Consciousness is truly detrimental because it augments the subjective mentality which, eventually supersedes our discerning abilities; once we lose our discerning abilities, we lose consciousness. Only having your eyes open, isn’t consciousness; you have to be receptive, analytical, discerning and a whole lot more in order to attain the ability to see objects or situations in different angles, and not only make conclusions and judgments in compliance with your own viewpoint, only. 

Hence, the wise often utter “Two heads are better than one". Two heads have four eyes, and that’s akin to seeing a problem in four different viewpoints; a solution is achieved quicker than when it’s usually solved by a single person.

We shall always seek to open our eyes to the truth and not be naïve to fiction and to our blind consciousness that breed ego and conceit.

Keep your eye open…always.


Eye See

The objects of fear

The great Bantu Biko , once said that fear is an important determinant in South African politics. In fact, that’s what all governments use to contain the civilians. Fear, is not the power that one attains, but the power that he is given by the ones who fear him.  Allow me, to quote the legendary Biko: “It is a fear so basic in the considered actions of black people as to make it impossible for them to behave like people---let alone free people.” “One must not underestimate the deeply imbedded fear of the black man so prevalent in white society. Whites know only too well what exactly they have been doing to blacks and logically find reason for the black man to be angry. Their state of insecurity however does not outweigh their greed for power and wealth, hence they brace themselves to react against this rage rather than to dispel it with open-mindedness and fair play.” “It sometimes looks obvious here that the great plan is to keep the black people thoroughly intimidated...


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Not free as a bird.

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