Women, would have a more lucid idea nor be the ones to offer a lucid exegesis of the process of breaking a hymen, nor breaking one’s virginity. This concept may be more consanguineous to the event that took place in the garden of Eden. Simply, it’s an eye opening process. You reach the level of having the ability to distinguish between good and evil, subsequent to partaking in that process.
The process of deflowering, nor breaking the virginity, or breaking the hymen, as a preponderance of individuals would label nor utter, in compliance with their disparate preferences, is all about a penis penetrating a vagina that’s never been penetrated before.
The causes extend to, inter alia: masturbation, horseback riding, biking, gymnastics, using tampons, fingering etc. Which are also considered as ways of breaking the hymen nor virginity without ever partaking in boff. However, there seems to be a nexus between virginity and hymen, according to the hoi polloi.
What is a “hymen"?
A hymen is a fold of mucous membrane partly closing the orifice of the vagina, according to Merriam Webster dictionary.
What is “virginity”?
A virgin is a person who has not had sexual intercourse, also according to Merriam
Webster dictionary.
I won’t delve deeper for the two meanings have clarified everything…with regards to the nexus that the general population have ascertained.
The concept of “breaking the hymen" elucidates the significance nor the process of receiving knowledge nor the result of being receptive. The generally known aphorisms “education is the key to success”.
Success is the lock that the key, named “education” is needed to unlock. However, the key needs to be inserted inside the slot, within that lock. Therefore, this also provides the same magnitude of emphasis on the concept of providing and receiving. By being receptive to education nor knowledge, you will gain extensive knowledge, and lose your lack of knowledge; also, in the process of breaking the hymen, the woman gains pain and pleasure (well, not all women achieve pleasure), but loses her virginity.
This concept is more extensive than meets the eye, as it extends to giving. “Blessed, is the hand that gives than the one that receives”
A woman hardly forgets her first love, irregardless of whether the feeling is mutual or not, on the other end.
In life, in order to receive, a part of you needs to break.
To receive new knowledge nor to experience an epiphany, you need to break the cycle of your old beliefs that has had your mind enmeshed. A glass nor glasses have to fall and break, in order for the owner to see the need to swiftly buy new glasses. The concept of breaking the hymen elucidates the idea of the good that can accrue from losses. The woman needs to break the cycle of resistance to any opportunity that may eventuate in boff, if she truly has the desire of getting her hymen broken. Therefore, we also need to acknowledge and embrace losses if we seek to gain, in life. The bigger the losses, the gains shall be enormous.
Almost everything, in life is all about penetration; and with or without resistance, penetration is inevitable.
We learn more from losses than from gains nor successes.
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