It is the generally accepted law that the hoi polloi should never strive nor seek to be independent, hence, they should be governed by either a man nor an entity. The often prostituted aphorism “The people shall govern” is, simply a wool that is used as a tremendously effective tool to lull the hoi thinkers polloi with the fallacious idea of dubious power. What a calamity!
A chief population of the world is controlled by the minority. The best place to keep the majority of the population, is in utter oblivion.
That is deemed their sempiternal querencia.
The minority controls the way the masses think, consume, believe and also the information they receive. In all honesty, it is utterly flabbergasting to ascertain that the majority is nothing but dolls on a string; they are just oblivious. However, to achieve such magnitude of power requires sempiternal consistency. You never slip nor sleep because you’ll be placing yourself in the position of extreme hazard, where your loss of cyclopean power will be inextricably subsequent. Simply, if you relax you offer them an opportunity to wake up nor regain their consciousness…what the minority would deem a calamity.
“Knowledge, makes a man unfit to be a slave”, “The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor, is the mind of the oppressed". The legends whose spirits have achieved sempiternal prevalence, uttered those words back then and these words still carry significance and relevance, even today.
This thing is, simply a food chain; those who know, obtain control over those who lack knowledge. It is the same reason why Phil Farnsworth became a major part of almost every black household, irregardless of their financial status. A black person would rather not have supper than not have television. The best tool that any human who possess power, utilizes to control the minds of the masses. The hoi polloi carry this fallacious perception of television; they associate television with sophistication. By appearing on television, you can gain enough power to be able to get inside the pants of most women in the village, township and every community that’s populated by blacks. You disagree? It’s within your conscious right, but all I can say is look at male entertainers…
Lack of knowledge, makes a human equivalent to a rootless tree, nor an empty tin; it can pulled off easily and can be feasibly thrown anywhere. It is the same reason you find black South Africans addressing nor referring to their fellow African siblings as foreigners because they come from other parts of Africa; if their masters create border gates to perpetuate segregation and feed them the idea that anyone who resides in the other side of the border should be deemed a foreigner, irregardless of whether you share the same ancestor. What the master says goes. Credulity is detrimental. Simply, credulity is excessive receptiveness. The credulous characters are controlled by the government who uses media, then the media utilizes various tools such as television, radio and newspapers to control the minds of the credulous characters who have been programmed to be credulous and querulous til they die.
The concluding question is “are you receptive nor are you credulous?”
Credulity is consanguineous to a web which is sempiternally erected to enmesh the credulous characters.
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