Endurance, according to Merriam Webster’s dictionary, it is defined as the ability to withstand hardship or adversity. Others give it disparate names, such as the journey nor the process. As we all know, there’s no pleasure without pain, no smile without sadness, no acquisition without bereavement. Life is inextricably created to be that way.
Every action in life, has a consequence nor consequences. Therefore, endurance is also an action that has its consequences nor results. We, as people, have dreams nor goals, irregardless of their terms but the inextricable fact is that without execution nor effort from our end, they’ll remain dreams nor goals. However, we should remember that not everyone achieves their goals and dreams; as sad as it is, but it’s the truth. The lack of execution, effort, or minimal effort results in failure nor unfulfilled desires. Even execution can result in failure, but that cannot be deemed failure…unless the executor chooses to give up, subsequent to the failed attempt. The failure of altering goals nor dreams into reality has impelled nor altered the hoi polloi into querulous characters. Being querulous, has the ability to make a miniature problem seem colossal.
The art of goal-setting is extremely fascinating, if you ask me; it’s, actually a process of you asking the universe to offer you what your heart desires. The universe, knows that when we feasibly attain what we desire nor seek, then gratitude would dwindle. Hence, the universe puts all these obstacles and adversities that we should go through before we can acquire what we deem our goals nor dreams. The most painful part is that the hoi polloi becomes tremendously oblivious to the fact that all the impediments are part of the journey towards achieving the goals we want. We find people who commit suicide, resort to substance abuse and do all kinds of activities that they deem necessary to help them forget about their unfulfilled desires nor the feeling that is inevitably subsequent to quitting nor giving up on dreams due to hardships.
Why do we expect life to be simple?
Why do we have big dreams with a minimum work ethic?
How is life supposed to be, in order for us to conclude that it’s fair?
If we want our dreams to provide us with the lavish lifestyle that we, often fantasize about then why aren’t we prepared to suffer first?
If getting good grades, requires studying and missing out on fun activities that our peers partake in, then why aren’t we prepared to go through failures, disappointments, embarrassments, and criticism before we can attain what we believe would change our lives for the better and put us on a pedestal or on our crescendo? The mindset of wanting everything nor challenge to be easy, is consanguineous to insulting our worth nor doubting our abilities. This, simply means we are nothing but simpletons that only require simple challenges due to the lack of the ability to tap into our intelligence in order to provide solutions to every problem we come across. We are hindering the growth that the universe wants to bless us with by eschewing difficult tasks and challenges. In fact, it doesn’t make sense to have dreams of being a billionaire by wishing to just win the lottery.
Hence, the aphorism “to whom much is given, much is tested” will never lose its potency in providing sufficient emphasis on encouraging hard work in order to achieve whatever we desire.
Every outcome is a subsequence of a process.
Where endurance is absent, quitting is inevitable.
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