In this modern world nor life of continually updated technology and rife segregation, being ornery is the coin of the realm in what we deem reality. Simply, it is deemed a norm to frown nor express any signs of being ornery. However, to be an optimist nor blatantly show any signs of jubilation is deemed a blasphemy by those whose idea of normal is a frowning face.
Such mentality makes one uncertain whether it is being perpetuated deliberately nor humans are tardily becoming blind, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. As of late, you often hear people saying they hate humans nor they enjoy being alone nor far away from humans. It seems being anti-social is becoming a norm nor the coin of the realm in the world of “cool people”. To me, that is utterly an antonym of cool. There’s nothing cool about utter isolation nor segregation because it contributes to stagnancy.
Who authored this idea of vaunting those who take pride in exuding an aggressive demeanour in order to non-verbally demand respect nor attempt to strike fear in the hearts of their interlocutors nor potential interlocutors. It seems our generation is tardily losing the most important skill that every human being must possess, which is effective communication; without effective communication, segregation, quarrels and all kinds of misunderstandings will be a norm.
What is it that went wrong with our generation?
It seems like almost everything is conditional, these days. Before someone becomes receptive to a stranger, they need to check any possible signs of absence of being broke. If you appear like a man who exudes insufficiency, then you will never be given a chance to develop rapport or you get deprived of an opportunity to create an acquaintance, due to the ego that has engulfed people’s minds. This mindset has even contributed chiefly to the segregation of the sexes in black communities. Women who cannot make their own money nor who are not financially independent, do not want men who are in the same economic nor financial state. It’s tremendously hilarious and utterly perplexing, in all honesty.
Our people are blinded by money and materials that they no longer show a smile nor be receptive to their interlocutor unless the interlocutors possess such materials which are deemed appealing to them. This culture of seeing being ornery as a generally accepted way of living with other humans, is really tardily bringing our nation to a state of stagnancy.
The way I see it, the most colossal inconspicuous calamity of our generation is that it comprises, mostly of people who are quick to react but slow to understand. Hence, modern humans are able to dislike something nor someone before they even get a chance to interact or achieve an understanding.
Let us fight this mindset of segregation that is being perpetuated by those who want to control our population and our minds.
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