A canoe cannot only be used in clean water.
However, without any means of paddling then it cannot move in the direction of the user nor help its user reach his destination. I believe we’ve seen a canoe before, and all my life I’ve never seen a user of the canoe complaining about the dirt of the water nor the direction at which the water is moving to; the user knows that the paddle dictates the movement and direction of the canoe.
We have life, something that people have different perceptions of, especially when it comes to the concept of fairness. To most, fair means an easy life, no impediments, disappointments, embarrassments, losses nor setbacks…just glory and prosperity that is feasibly attained. What an utter chimera. But, I must say, imagination is not such a bad thing after all; without it, we wouldn’t have Dangote Group, Microsoft, Disney and all other amazing creations that have achieved sempiternal prevalence. Maybe, the biggest mistake we make as humans is that we choose to approach life subjectively. We want things to go our way, yet we don’t even invest any effort in creating our own way.
How can things go our way when we don’t even have a way?
In life, you create your own destiny. By creating your destiny, I do not mean living life without problems nor obstacles and adversities; life would utterly be dull if it was set up to be that way. Without impediments, we wouldn’t find the need nor a reason to appreciate and cherish the good things and times we go through. We wouldn’t know what bad is, if it did not exist; we would be utterly unfamiliar with what true success looks like if failure and setbacks did not exist. In life, we either master our minds or we become enslaved by our minds. It is utterly perplexing that the hoi polloi’s perception nor idea of a fair life is a life of immortality, with no obstacles nor adversities. I, honestly cannot imagine how people expect to live life with the absence of its most paramount aspects. It’s consanguineous to a human being who has no mind nor heart; the whole purpose of creating a human would be utterly defeated if such creatures existed… but most people live like they lack those.
Now, let’s deviate our focus to the concept of paddling. Paddling, is often done in rivers where there are heavily moving waters and the whole purpose of the activity is not for paddlers to fold their arms and let the water dictate their destiny; hence, the presence of paddles. This activity is about controlling your boat to move towards the direction of the finish line, irregardless of the aggressiveness of the waters…so is life.
Life is fair in all aspects, but what’s baffling is that the hoi polloi is still enormously oblivious to this inextricable fact. Our purpose of being on earth is to fulfil our respective purposes irregardless of the obstacles and adversities that arise along the way. Everyone has problems, obstacles and the most fair part of life is that no man is immortal.
You have only two choices, in life, paddle or sink…
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