Mental illnesses nor diseases have become a norm in the modern life. More people seem to be sucked in by materials and all the brainwashing that they often refer to as “entertainment”. You see it first; the more you see it, you begin to develop unfathomable interest. The eyes and ears, are the mind’s windows. Most of the things that have obtained a hold in your subconscious mind, were first received by your eyes or ears…or both.
We live in a world of IoT, smartphones and social media. Therefore, the modern generation, mostly exist in the cyber world.
The cyber world has its pros and cons like the real world, but the cyber world is more extreme when compared to the real world. In the cyber world, we can be utterly anything we want nor wish to be. We can be wealthy, happy, in love and all kinds of great, while our real lives are the total opposite. Social media is one of the major parts of the cyber world; a preponderance of the earth’s population exist there. Social media is the place where we can express ourselves the way our hearts desire and it also offers us the opportunity to interact with the celebrities, senators and all well-known people. That may be a great boon for us but our idols, mostly broadcast their luxurious lifestyle and all the materials they’ve acquired. We, as their followers, lose sight of what’s truly real and end up being consumed by the materialistic lifestyle that we are being exposed to. We believe that owning those materials is the closest thing to success nor utter jubilation.
That’s the initial point of self-consciousness and all the mental health issues that have engulfed our generation, today. I intend to perpetuate no confusion. Don’t get me wrong, I am not implying that celebrities are the root cause nor the source of mental illnesses; however, I am elucidating what the power of exposure can do to one’s mind. The more you see it nor hear it, the quicker it obtains a hold in your subconscious mind. It’s that simple. For young girls to see their peers who make money for exposing their physical beauty, nor appearance by having to be semi-unclad and they are often labelled as influencers, most of the time, impels them to also seek to utilize that feasible method of making money. In all honesty, money is not intrinsic to Africa. It was created by those who colonized Africa; hence, they master it with ease as opposed to Africans, who allow it to alter them nor dictate their lifestyle.
To be honest, almost all Africans want wealth and they’ll take the easiest way possible if it’ll aid them acquire wealth. As of late, an outfit without any Europeans nor expensive brand increases your chances of being in the fashion police’s bad books. Self-consciousness is so rife to a point that even the people who are in the middle class and low class are more infatuated with looking like they possess wealth, in lieu of being actually wealthy.
What a calamity.
This mentality deprives people of their happiness, because it is now contingent upon the presence of these materials. They are oblivious to the fact that these materials are like candy to a baby who has surplus coins nor notes. These materials are not the main source of joy and satisfaction.
The most painful oxymoron nor paradox is that a preponderance of humans are enormously self-conscious but they barely see nor know a thing about themselves.
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