A smoke screen, is simply, something designed to obscure, confuse or mislead…According to the 1882 wordsmith, popularly known as Merriam Webster Dictionary. You can also refer to it as “wool over your eyes”. It could also be referred to as “perception of reality” because the whole idea is to lull the audience with the image of dubious truth nor reality.
A piece of art at Newtown, Johannesburg in South Africa was written “A nation of sheep, ruled by wolves, owned by pigs". Therefore, this did not only caught my eye, but it also elucidates the concept of smoke screens.
Those who are at the top, nor those who possess power have the ability to dictate nor create the future for those who depend on them; hence, they tell nor show the ones who do not have any inkling of the truth, what they believe is right for them…even if it leads them astray. “Beggars cannot be choosers”. If you cannot take your own spade and delve deeper to attain the truth or the true knowledge, then those whom you refer to as your leaders will feed you all kinds of rotten applesauce and dress it as the truth. You will devoutly believe because you trust them with your lives and, therefore, it means that you are solely dependent on them.
The government, is that entity which claims to serve the people but controls and leads people astray, in utter oblivion. The biggest mistake people make is thinking that the president is the government. In most African countries, the presidents are black, but the ones who possess true power are not black.
The system, is a bit complex but the simple way to understand it is to always know that the ones you don’t see, are the most powerful ones; the president is just vocalizing the ideas of the ones who are behind the scenes, in most of his speeches.
The whole idea of having the government and the politicians, is to convince the civilians that they’re in power when they have absolutely none. The masses are only needed for votes to put someone who can say nice things to them into power. The government is so powerful that it can control the minds of the hoi polloi, and once you possess the minds of the masses then you’re in possession of unfathomable power. The media is one of the powerful weapons that are used to control the people. As the great Malcolm X, once said “The media’s the most powerful entity on Earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty, and the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses". His words are immortal because the ones who have the ability to see through the smoke screen can confirm that the media has more power than the people.
Africa, is believed to be one of the poorest continents and most Africans due to their thirst for the Europeans’ dubious assistance, they believe these scuttlebutts. The smoke screen, it is. Let us look at a simple or, rather more practical example, an impoverished home does not have many visitors but Africa has too many foreigners who offer themselves various nor disparate labels, such as tourists, explorers, investors, NGOs etc. Why would you want to invest in a poor continent where no returns are guaranteed?
Why would you want to always visit a poor continent?
Has anyone ever asked themselves where does Europe find all the resources to develop its continent?
Always have the eyes that have the ability to see beyond the smoke screen…
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