The first idea that lights up one’s thought bulb when this subject is being raised, is brightness; but does anyone apply an objective eye when perusing this subject? The light, just like a ladder, knowledge, money, knife etc. Is a tool, and its use is contingent upon the beholder nor observer.
The light may either exude lucidity or blind you.
We, as disparate humans, utilize light for various purposes; those purposes are contingent upon the desires nor devout objectives of the beholder. A preponderance of individuals offer various exegesis which they deem fit; others believe sinners abhor light, while the flawless souls vaunt not exalt the power of light. The concept of light is enormously extensive than one may fathom nor anticipate. If we delve, maybe the possibility of being victims of light might be severe. Even better, others may not be distracted nor their focus be deviated from the inextricable fact that light is a tool.
The vaunted scientists and philosophers who have lived under the sun have also vocalized their discoveries and devout beliefs about their ideas of the light; others have even concluded that light possess a tremendously swift motion than any mortal man can fathom. How fascinating. The inquisitiveness that ruled the lives of these legends is what complements the purposeful lives they’ve lived. A wise man, once said “we only see what we know". The irony here is that the general population recklessly associates knowledge with seeing. A calamity, indeed. It is colossally erroneous for one to adopt this kind of mentality when “perception of reality” is one of the tools that’s being regularly utilized to fleece those who are bound to this belief.
One’s life is in the mind, not in the eye.
The speed of light is faster than a lot of swiftly moving objects you fan think of, which contributes chiefly to the deceit and fleecing that often takes place in our world.
The calamity is that people believe what they see, not what they have thoroughly perused.
Hence, the wise often utter “your life, is a result of the quality of your thoughts” nor “What a man thinks, he becomes”. Therefore, the physical world is not our true reality; the mental and spiritual worlds are.
Light is power!
Those who possess power, use it for different reasons. Politicians use their light to blind the masses who are in the dark, while contemporaneously lulling them into believing that they’re providing lucidity.
Parents, not all, use their light to help their offspring get a lucid view of their odyssey to the future. This elucidates how a light, like any other tool, can be utilized in various ways for various reasons by individuals who have disparate intentions. Everyone has the light, but not everyone has that knowledge. It’s like having a candle and a box of matches, but still live in the dark owing to the lack of knowledge of how these tools work or the purpose of their existence. What a calamity!
You have the light! How you use it, is your sole responsibility…
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