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Accrue nor incur?

In all a man does, his biggest anticipation is none other than success nor succeeding in that particular task. However, a man needs to also consider and acknowledge that the future is not solely contingent upon his anticipation; the future forever remains a mystery that, psychics can only attain a glimpse of but not acquire the privilege to control its direction. Therefore, every man is a victim of uncertainty when it comes to the future, but preparing for it is winning half the battle. 

“Life is a gamble” those who acquire gobs of experience of life, often utter. You either win or lose, no draw; you’re either doing it or not, no room for those who are willing. So many great wise men have uttered that a man is nothing but a result of his own quality of thoughts. His thoughts may either aid him accrue prosperity and success, nor incur losses, failures and regrets; all that is never contingent upon the future, his circumstances, nor any kind of external aspects but himself. In essence, the quality of your life, is your own fault. You have no one to blame, in this life, but yourself. Not your absent father, the parents who passed away while you were still young nor the maths teacher who abhorred you, back in high school. 

Life is a gamble nor a game, depending on which side of the table you’re sitting at. 

Whatever you do has results nor consequences. Hence, the wise often utter “you shall reap what you sow". Every action you take today, will produce a consequence nor results that are in utter compliance with your earlier actions; the things that are taking place in your life today are a result of the actions of your past. Therefore, whether you seek to progress and elevate, nor you seek to remain stagnant, the decisions which will impel your actions, will provide the correct answer to that mystery. Look at your life, right now…look at all the things you’ve achieved until now, and also look at all the things you’ve lost (Keep in mind, I said things, not people) and ask yourself who is the chief reason behind all those consequences. Our thoughts are enormously powerful, irregardless of whether we think they are harmless or not. Remember this, thoughts become actions; this simply, means every action you take, whether big or small, comes from the tool that resides between your ears. 

When you walk, pee, cry, laugh, smile, etc. It’s all the brain telling you to do those things. 

Some of the things you do voluntarily nor consciously, most are done involuntarily, which means they’ve been altered into habits. They’re a part of you, nor they’ve acquired a part of your soul. 

It is at this very moment where a man should decide which habits he wishes to adopt and ensure they become embedded in his subconscious mind; it is when his life will take a direction that is being pointed by his subconscious mind. The thoughts that he has chosen to embed in his subconscious mind are the thoughts that will sempiternally control nor dictate his life and his destiny. It is those quality of thoughts that will conclude whether he shall sempiternally accrue perfect health, jubilation, progress and prosperity nor he shall incur losses, sempiternal setbacks, failures and a sharp vicissitudes of fortune. Our thoughts are a magnet, the universe is also a matter that is of the like pole as our thoughts. 

You either accrue nor incur; your thoughts shall declare…


Eye See

The objects of fear

The great Bantu Biko , once said that fear is an important determinant in South African politics. In fact, that’s what all governments use to contain the civilians. Fear, is not the power that one attains, but the power that he is given by the ones who fear him.  Allow me, to quote the legendary Biko: “It is a fear so basic in the considered actions of black people as to make it impossible for them to behave like people---let alone free people.” “One must not underestimate the deeply imbedded fear of the black man so prevalent in white society. Whites know only too well what exactly they have been doing to blacks and logically find reason for the black man to be angry. Their state of insecurity however does not outweigh their greed for power and wealth, hence they brace themselves to react against this rage rather than to dispel it with open-mindedness and fair play.” “It sometimes looks obvious here that the great plan is to keep the black people thoroughly intimidated...


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Not free as a bird.

Perception of reality is, often deemed realer than reality itself. "I want to be as free as a bird." a cliché that feels new, everytime it's being uttered or when our auditory tools cross paths with this ancient, yet immortal utterance. "The other side of the grass looks greener" another famous aphorism, but I prefer Marc and Angel's quote "If the grass looks greener on the other side, it might be life reminding you to water the grass you're standing on." Who came up with this idea that birds are free? Or, maybe an idealist looked at how birds look stress-free and he thought to himself that they're even able to effortlessly flee from their problems, without realizing that the bird has their own adversities. Imagine being a bird and you haven't been finding any worms to feed your offspring, and if you do you have to battle other birds you cross paths with on your way back to the nest, and you still have to stress about eagles who ...