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Create, instead of complaining

One of the similarities we have, as humans, are problems nor obstacles. Problems nor challenges, are an inextricable part of life; whether you’re Aliko Dangote or Warren Buffett, you cannot be a human being without problems. We are disparate humans; so are our mindsets. Therefore, we will inevitably react differently towards our problems and adversities. Hence, the world has wealthy and impoverished people. 

I know, everyone wishes to be wealthy and attain both the things that money can and those it cannot buy. Now, back to reality. Life is fair. However, the only thing that separates us is the tool that reside in the calvaria. The hoi polloi, would refer to it as “the brain”. 

Have you ever perused the qualities that separate poor people and wealthy people? A preponderance or poor people, are querulous characters; wealthy people, strive to attain wealth, irregardless lf the obstacles and adversities. If you take a look at how most wealthy people attained their wealth, you’d ascertain that they created a solution nor solutions. They invested in themselves, in their minds and in the colossal ideas they had, to change the world nor play a part in making a difference. 

It is an irrefutable fact that success nor opulence is often found in the other side of a successful creation nor invention. An idea, if executed and a whole lot of persistence until the goal is achieved, then success and wealth can be deemed inevitable. Most of the wealthy people we know, acquired their wealth from an idea. This means that having a bright idea is  equivalent to getting half the job done. An idea is a creation. It is created in the mind. One requires a well functioning brain to acquire the mind. However, the mind requires sempiternal maintenance in order to keep its performance at its crescendo. The upside risk of humanity is that every living human being has a brain, therefore, every and any human has a possibility and a capability to create nor invent. A solution is also an invention nor creation, because you have to think critically in order to solve whatever problem nor problems you are facing. If every human being is capable of solving problems, then we can confidently conclude that complaining nor becoming a querulous character, is nothing but an utter frivolous activity nor commitment. The world has so many problems, so many humans and the flabbergastingly evolving technology; but we still do not have enough solutions to solve all the world’s problems in order to ensure that the next generation obtains the ability to further ameliorate the world around them without any accumulated obstacles. 

Every live human being, whether deemed disabled, able-bodied, impoverished, opulent, etc. Has a devout objective to accomplish, which is to create a legacy that will be relevant for centuries and millennia; to simply, achieve sempiternal relevance. It is an irrefutable fact that all of us are mortal, in this planet, called “earth”. Therefore, we all have an objective to create; irregardless of the external factors. Therefore, whether the economy is good or bad, whether it’s raining nor sunny, Monday nor Sunday; it is all irrelevant to the legacy that you need to sustain. Every 24-hours you obtain, you are obliged to not only be grateful, but also invest it in ameliorating yourself and your creation. Every obstacle you come across is nothing but an opportunity to improve nor stretch your thought process. Never complain, no matter how tempted you are; I know, most situations impel us to become querulous characters, but don’t complain. 

Instead, peruse the situation in order to eventually find the core of the problem in order to feasibly obtain and provide a solution to that particular problem. The upside risk of it, is that it won’t be as heavy as it is now, when you come across the same problem later on, in life. 

Never complain. Create solutions, in lieu.


Eye See

The objects of fear

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Not free as a bird.

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