A preponderance of us, approach this concept in a subjective manner. We often associate goals with a notepad or exam pad and a pen, and jotting down objectives in order to accomplish them before a certain period. However, if that’s how we perceive the concept of goals, then we are utterly subjective. The concept of goals is multifold.
How many actions do we take per day? A preponderance of us are oblivious to the fact that every action we take is goal orientated. You go to the toilet to pee or take a shit, you go to the kitchen to make food nor get a glass of water, milk nor do whatever you want to do. Going to the kitchen nor the toilet are actions we take, and activities such as taking a pee in the toilet are the goals that impelled us to take those actions.
We take so many actions in our daily lives, that most of them are involuntary and some of them are voluntary. One can imagine how many goals we accomplish in our daily lives, that we are abysmally oblivious to. However, we need to take into consideration the fact that our goals can either be good nor bad. Our goals, also have the ability to define us.
Today, we have disparate individuals who are defined differently, especially in accordance with their daily goals nor what we often call “intentions”. We have criminals, whose devout goal is to commit crime; we have pastors nor preachers, whose devout goal is to perpetuate the word of God; we have pilots, whose devout goal to fly airplanes; we have musicians, whose devout goal is to make music; we have soccer players, whose devout goal is to play soccer. This elucidates the fact that most of the labels nor words most people call one another are due to their daily goals nor devout goal nor objectives.
Life gives you two options but only allows you to select one. You’re either conscious nor you choose to live your life with your eyes closed. There’s no in between nor neutral.
Therefore, as human beings, we all need to spend some quality time with ourselves in order to question our subconscious minds about our devout goals nor objectives. Once we have an inkling of what our goals are, and also with sempiternal reassessments to track the progress of accomplishing our goals. In that way, we’ll have an idea of where we are headed to, in life. We as humans, we all need to set colossal goals for ourselves and defy all odds to makes all our goals, both long and short term, a reality.
As humans, it is enormously imperative that we become cognizant of the actions we take because they determine our goals nor who we truly are. Therefore, this means that it all starts in the mind; with our thoughts. Our actions are simply, an outcome of our thoughts. We need to, first, be cognizant of our thoughts.
Are they productive?
Are they positive?
Are they constructive?
Once you are able to answer those questions, then you will have a lucid inkling of your actions, which are the intermediary of your goals and outcomes. Everything that we seek to achieve nor accomplish; irregardless of whether we’ve declared it verbally, in a text form nor any kind of method of declaration, is a goal nor an objective. Your goals determine your future, and they determine the person you are becoming or going to become. Your actions define you. It is possible to allude to yourself as an overachiever, while your actions overtly exude the opposite. In such a case, whether you like it or not, the latter will be used to define you.
Choose your goals wisely; most importantly, accomplish them.
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