We have all heard the aphorisms from disparate philosophers and all kinds of wise people, saying “There is no growth in the comfort zone" nor “Nothing ever grows in the comfort zone”. A preponderance of us would indubitably nod in agreement to this aphorism nor claim; depending on which side of the table one’s sitting at. How many of us have really perused the concept of growth? It seems as if the hoi polloi nor a preponderance of us are oblivious to the fact that the concepts of growth and/nor the comfort zone are two-fold nor even multi-fold.
Comfort Zone is defined as the level at which one functions with ease and familiarity, according to Merriam Webster; progressive development is one of the best definitions of “growth", according to Merriam Webster dictionary. According to the hoi polloi, a comfort zone is a place of no development nor utter regression; we associate the comfort zone with all the bad things that produce no fruit. In fact, the hoi polloi would nod in agreement with the idea that the “comfort zone” is an antonym for “growth".
Has anyone ever thought about the idea of making growth a comfort zone? I’m speaking in terms of being a human being who’s comfortable with being in uncomfortable situations.
Growth, has to do with progress. Most human beings, believe that true growth is only visible in one’s physical appearance.
Growth is more complex than we can feasibly fathom; and we misinterpret the concept of growth, in most cases. According to the hoi polloi, growth is progressing and advancing.
We seem to neglect nor eschew the importance of setbacks, failure, losses and adversities when speaking of growth. We never allude growth to the previously mentioned factors. Most of us, fear failure nor losses. We have witnessed so many suicides owing to a sharp vicissitudes of fortune nor failure, when advancement nor gain were enormously anticipated. Our biggest problem, is the mentality of “good things" and “bad things”. This mentality, makes us perceive events as good nor bad; not as events that are supposed to happen in our lives. We often hear people who are going through a series of unfortunate events nor people who have been bereft, utter words like “why me?” nor “why do bad things happen to good people?”
What if we, actually embrace the irrefutable fact that all the things that have happened nor are happening in our lives, were supposed to happen to us and no one else?
What if we stop being emotionally attached to the mentality of believing that the world owes us peace, love, happiness, and all the things we deem good, and start embracing every event that happens in our lives without feeling like we’re cursed nor we have bad luck? Why don’t we start looking at the events we deem “unpleasant” nor “bad" as opportunities for growth? Why don’t we begin to develop optimism for our adversities? Why don’t we start to perceive them as problems that require our minds to be creative, by providing solutions nor a way forward?
Growth could be our new comfort zone if we program our minds to approach life with love and lack of fear for what could go wrong, every time we attempt to do right in our lives.
The first step to growth nor making life our comfort zone, irregardless of the outcome of life’s events, is detachment. Our emotional attachment to all the things we deem colossally important to us is what’s striking all this fear of loss, failure nor embarrassment and all the events that we wouldn’t voluntarily accept in our lives, if we had things our way. This type of fear has turned us into enormously possessive humans. We have grown into humans who give conditionally. We seek to be reimbursed for going an extra mile; we seek to be recognized for the good we do; we seek to find a perfect relationship overnight because we have convinced ourselves that we are loyal and honest partners. Attachment is killing us slowly.
Growth, is obliterating any emotional attachment we have; growth, is the new comfort zone.
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