The world is filled with billions of individuals, who were all born to fulfill their respective purposes nor create nor play a role in making the world a better place nor a querencia for the next generations. Everyone who still has the ability to inhale oxygen, and exhale carbon dioxide, is obliged to make a positive impact nor difference within society, and the world. However, many people aren’t working towards fulfilling their obligations, hence, the world and humanity are engulfed by so much turmoil.
Ignorance nor lack of knowledge, are the quintessence of bliss. Look at children. They are filled with inquisitiveness, they too, have problems nor come across obstacles in their lives. There’s no legal age for a human to have obstacles nor go through hardships. By crying, a child is vocalizing the problem nor problems that need to be resolved. The world is messed up nor fucked up, as we all utter in accordance with our disparate preference for usage of words; however, the point is, we all agree that the world is messed up, but the part that seems to utterly perplex the hoi polloi nor a preponderance of us, is the fact that more humans are still being born and brought to this world despite its state.
They say God loves us, right? Therefore, why would he bring us to a place where we’ll suffer and why is he even bringing us here if we’re going to die, anyway?
King Shaka Zulu's name is still relevant today, Bantu Biko’s name is still relevant today, Samora Machel's name is still relevant today, Mansa Musa's name is still relevant today, Bhambatha kaMancinza's name is still relevant today, Queen Nzinga Mbandi's name is still relevant today, Tsietsi Mashinini's name is still relevant today, Bra Hugh Masekela’s name is still relevant today, Brenda Fassie’s name is still relevant today, etc. By this, I intend to emphasize the might of purpose. All these colossal figures I’ve mentioned, have a few things in common, they’ve passed on a long time ago and they were famous for doing amazing things, under different categories, of course. We all remember them today because of the enormous impact that their actions produced while they were still on earth. The whole idea of being alive and being mortal is not frivolous; believe me, you, it is not. The reason why you are alive, is to get an opportunity to leave a legacy that will achieve immortality in this physical world. We are spirits living inside physical bodies. Hence, the body age but the mind and the heart achieve sempiternal youth.
Why are we here?
What makes us unique?
Is your presence as impactful as your absence?
Albeit they will find someone to fill your position in your absence, but what is it that will make your absence enormously felt, irregardless?
In this life, we have a devout obligation, irregardless of all the factors we use to perpetuate segregation. Everyone has a purpose to fulfil, and the only time we have is now, because life is too volatile to procrastinate.
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