We all have brains and minds, as humans; but are all of us in control of the thoughts and beliefs that engulf our minds? Most of us, live day-to-day through the power of communication; which involves interacting with other people, through conversations.
Conversations are made up of our thoughts.
During a conversation, we process every word nor message we convey. Other things we say are things that have obtained a hold in our subconscious minds. Some we learn it ourselves, most of it is what we’ve heard nor been taught.
Information nor education is something that we consume daily, irregardless of whether we consume it voluntarily nor involuntarily. The subconscious mind cannot differentiate between information that’s good for the mind and the information that’s not good for the mind. As long as you’re constantly exposed to such information, then it will inevitably obtain a hold in your subconscious mind, either augment nor alter your perspective and perception you have about a certain things.
Opinions and views are something that every individual has about a variety of things nor subjects that, often dominate the hoi polloi’s conversations. The beauty of conversations is that they do not necessarily expose errors and correctness nor people’s imbecility and intelligence, but they expose people’s disparate mindsets nor their disparate ways of thinking about certain aspects of life.
As much as we all, proudly, say that we are in control of our minds nor thoughts but we cannot neglect nor eschew the irrefutable fact that what we are often exposed to, what our focus is on nor what we consume, play a role in shaping or even altering our perceptions, perspectives and feelings about a certain things. A preponderance of women who label themselves feminists, live by their devout belief that “men are trash”. The author of the idea may have been a woman who was exposed to abuse nor all kinds of uncongenial exploitation in the hands of men nor witnessed another woman who went through such treatment. It’s not simple to be objective when you’ve been a victim. This influential character has enmeshed so many women’s minds nor altered their mindsets nor approach towards men, holistically. Not every woman, who is a devout believer of the “men are trash" movement was a victim of such nefarious behaviour that is often associated with men; they may have read about the incidents nor such crimes that men commit against women. Those feelings nor attitude towards men will impel women to, obliviously develop apathy towards men nor misandry.
The same applies to men who often believe in the idea that “women are bitches nor hoes who are nothing near loyal" have been victims of promiscuous women nor have been heartbroken by the women they loved dearly. This mentality also leaves a stain on the minds of the younger men who haven’t experienced such behaviour from the opposite sex. This contributes in the segregation that has engulfed the world today.
A preponderance of individuals believe in Santa Claus, Valentine’s, a myriad of religions, Tooth fairy and the government.
Most of the people who adopted these beliefs, have done so involuntarily. We do not believe in Santa Claus because we chose to do so, we didn’t believe in white Jesus because we chose to do so, we did not believe in Tooth fairy out of our own autonomous decisions; all those beliefs were embedded on our subconscious minds through fear and all kinds of psychological tricks. Media controls gobs of minds but a preponderance of people nor the hoi polloi are utterly oblivious to this fact. You hear most people vocalizing their political views, actually, the media’s views. It seems as if most of us, are oblivious to the fact that we think we are thinking when we are, actually translating other people’s subjective opinions.
Spend a moment with yourself, and scrutinize the quality and ownership of the thoughts that engulf your mind.
Your mind; whose thoughts?
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