“I’m scared!” Is often the call for safety by people who fear taking action nor certain external factors. Fear of taking action may be impelled by a myriad of factors, which we will look into as we delve deeper into this subject.
How many of us are afraid of fearing not taking action, nor being fearful of taking action?
Instead, of being anxious about what the outcome would be; why don’t we fear not getting an outcome?
Have you ever asked yourself why it’s harder to live a limitless life as opposed to living a limited life?
A preponderance of us are living limited lives.
We fear taking action, we fear declaring our love nor infatuation to the person we deem our crush, hence, they’re deemed our crush; we fear completing a course because we fear what would happen if we fail, we fear to commit to one person because of our insecurities, fear of being cheated on without having a backup plan, to boost our frivolous egos, etc. We are fearful of doing the right things nor to be righteous, all for the sake of being deemed “cool" nor “savage” nor whatever the titles, that we do utterly foolish and frivolous activities in order to attain.
You fear committing to your studies because you’d lose the title of being cool, and you’d also be deemed a nerd; something that’s deemed a blasphemy in the world nor society of cool people. It seems the people who make life complicated, aren’t, actually those we often blame all the time; it is, actually ourselves. We invest our energies, perspiration and efforts on frivolities, just because they’re deemed “laudable” by society nor the people we are tirelessly trying to impress, which is why we often feel empty because we offer our souls to external aspects nor elements that do not even make up 50% of who we are.
We work so hard to fix our external or physical image to get compliments and validation, when all that matters is the image we see when everyone else is in utter oblivion. Our perception nor perspective of ourselves is more important and it should not be dictated by public opinion; in lieu, pay attention to constructive criticism and find out how you can learn from your mistakes and improve. We fear failing, being embarrassed, being disappointed nor not succeeding; the irony is that lessons and gains are attained from the adversities we fear so much. We want to grow, yet we fear the process of growth. That utterly makes no sense.
Why do we keep posters of successful people that we wish to be like nor become, but we fear taking action that will aid us achieve what we desire, like they did to reach their own dreams?
Something that brought them where they are nor keeps them going. Action is the magic of life. It provides results. Yes or no, negative or positive, approved or declined, forward or backward, win or lose, etc. That is how powerful action is, and the best part is that it’s something that every live human being is capable of, but not every human being takes action; in fact, a chief population of human beings utilize excuses and blame to eschew taking action, then wonder and blame God when their lives aren’t headed where their hearts desire. However, I believe it is our emotional attachment to attaining instant results whenever we take action. A famous quote nor aphorism that most of us, if not all, are familiar with, states “nothing, worth having comes easy". And I believe we can all agree.
Africa, still has not attained its independence, but the ones whose eyes are open are doing all the best they can to wake the ones who are still in the land of nod and work collectively to achieve nor attain independence. We have to eradicate the fear of taking action because it is the one that breeds stagnancy; in life, we should fear not taking action because life is all about results nor outcome. That’s how we know whether we are progressing nor require room for improvement.
Let us all develop the fear of being fearful of not taking.
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