It is easier to see the reality nor the world that our minds have created for our eyes. We see a preponderance of things; those we love, those we abhor, those we wish to have, and those we wish to lose. We see a myriad of things and also are oblivious to a myriad of things that are ubiquitous in the world we live in.
As much as we convince ourselves that we’re conscious nor aware, but have we took a moment to ask ourselves nor assess ourselves how conscious we are of ourselves, now how much do we know ourselves? This is way beyond just knowing your first name and your last name; it is more about knowing the individual that you are, your thoughts, your abilities, your limits and boundaries, etc. Consciousness is more about self than worldly knowledge that we use to appear more knowledgeable to our interlocutors. The legendary Bruce Lee, once said “All types of knowledge, ultimately means self-knowledge”. By knowing ourselves, we gain access to obtaining the best education the universe has to offer. By attaining, such knowledge, we make ourselves unfit to be victims of uncertainty, self-loathing, self-contempt and all those negative traits we develop owing to the absence of self-knowledge.
The world we live in, comprises its own reality that seems to have enmeshed a preponderance of individuals; in fact, a preponderance of individuals have found themselves lost in this mad reality. In this reality, external knowledge is vaunted. One needs to acquire accolades to be able to earn an income. Money, is the illusion that has captured so many minds that the hoi polloi have dedicated their lives to enslaving themselves in order to impress a capitalist nor capitalists who will provide them with an income, nor what many refer to as the “daily bread". By working tirelessly to attain these accolades, that are deemed the coin of the realm in our reality, we end up tardily losing ourselves nor knowledge of true self. Our eye loses sight of I. As the bible once said “…you cannot serve two masters". You cannot contemporaneously master self and the worldly things. One will utterly consume you, which will eventually deprive you of the time to serve your other master.
In this fast paced world, we seem to have eradicated the idea nor the practice of mindfulness. We rarely take time to reflect on our thoughts nor earlier actions and decisions, which are impelled by our thoughts. We focus mainly on entertainment, to distract us from the obstacles and adversities that life bludgeons us with. Lack of self-awareness and self-knowledge has impelled us to become humans who constantly live in fear. We allow external factors to attain dominance over our minds and lives. Our minds are our lives. We are our thoughts; our reality is the result of our thoughts. Hence, the ones who have in depth knowledge of the mind and how it works, emphasize the power nor significance of the subconscious mind. It is our master, which offers us the power to behave as if we’re the masters. What we think consciously, eventually becomes our reality, subconsciously.
It is enormously imperative to ensure that we never lose connection nor effective communication with ourselves. Let the eye see I. The eye symbolizes awareness nor consciousness; to see is to be aware nor conscious nor to fix your focus on a certain object; “I” represents the individual.
Therefore, “eye see I" simply emphasizes the importance of self-awareness.
See yourself, before you see others.
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