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Intersubjective reality

Life to a preponderance, is deemed utterly complex nor ornery. To some, it is simply a 24-hours of unlocking mysteries, busting myths, augmenting their bank accounts, changing lives, solving new problems, innovating their vicinity, and ameliorating themselves and their environments in any way possible. From birth, everyone has dreams, but the journey to dreams, starts from reality; this is the part that often creates pessimists, gadflies and querulous characters. 

As we grow up, the older generation obtains the privilege to program our subconscious minds. They, obviously, use a subtle way to dictate our beliefs, likes, dislikes, values, habits, etc. Before we go to formal school, we’ve already been programmed from our homes as to how to behave nor conduct ourselves, what to believe in, when to say “yes”, and when to say “no”, etc. When we get to the initial level of formal education, which is the early development educational program. In our crèches, day-cares, nor nannies etc. Those entities, also get their fair share of installing certain programs in our subconscious systems. Naturally, a human was built to be receptive, inquisitive and connected; by connected, I include, inter alia communication, networking, empathy and all kinds of methods that can be utilized to connect humans nor unite them. However, these disparate mind programs are the ones which create barriers which will, eventually, prohibit us from reaching our full potential. 

A preponderance of Bantu people, who occupy the working class or the professional field, will tell you that they did not pursue their well paying careers out of passion. To our side, we may feel like they lack gratitude nor they are greedy nor selfish nor all the labels that we often provide others, as if we are sin-free nor flaw-free. Most of these professionals, especially, in the Bantu communities, they’d tell you that they chose such careers just to satisfy their parents' ego. Bantu parents love to brag to their friends, fake friends, colleagues (if employed), gossip mates, church members, relatives and all other people who occupy their circle, about their obedient children who have chosen vaunted careers and now they are well respected by those around them; their cousins, siblings, friends and peers envy them. In life, most of the enemies we have, we utterly have no idea that we created them. It’s as if they just popped out of nowhere. 

Actually, it’s not like that. Your little achievements that you broadcast on social networks, the new car you bought that you posted on Facebook, changing your relationship status to married, subsequent to your matrimony, your parents bragging about you at their workplaces, church, stokvels, family gatherings and at any given opportunity; such things create the enemies you never knew you had; the enemies that you didn’t have to contemporaneously consciously and physically create them yourself. Life is a tad comic! However, it is has an adversarial relationship with the audience that lacks sense of humor. 

Life is a game of patience, however, owing to the continual technological changes which have made communication and a myriad of tasks to be accomplished swiftly, have impelled us to convince ourselves that life should also be as swift as these technological devices, since they have also become a cyclopean part of our lives. This swift mentality has propelled Bantu people into resorting to the false prophets whose value proposition is: “instant wealth, instant success and miracles”. Gobs of people who seeks instant success, nor wealth, nor marriage, occupy such religious institutions, to exacerbate the spiritual predicament that Africa is in, the African governments decide to acknowledge such institutions and register them because, of course, a brown envelope is the coin of the realm in the political world. Life, is not too short, or too long, does not move fast, does not move slow, it simply provides us with a considerable amount of time to fulfill our sole purpose. It is understandable that 

Africans lost their power and wealth, swiftly to their colonizers and  oppressors; but, it is incumbent upon ourselves that we help one another, but mostly ourselves, to understand that as much as we lost our wealth, land and power to the colonialists and oppressors, regaining nor attaing them will never be easy. 

A preponderance of things need to be fixed, renewed, refreshed, sacrificed, maintained; such a tedious process and tasks. Yup! Unfortunately, “instant” does not have a profound process nor foundation. When you do something instantly, it does not require much thought nor effort. It’s consanguineous to yawning. You do it, then before you know it, you are done; without losing a single kilo. 

Life is intersubjective; there’s a time for “behind the scenes” preparation and the time to face the audience. The whole aim is to satisfy the audience. A musician takes time and effort to complete an award-winning album, an artist rips off more pages than the advocates of deforestation, before they can produce the best piece of art. 

In life, it is mostly about disparate dyads which contribute to making us whole.


Eye See

The objects of fear

The great Bantu Biko , once said that fear is an important determinant in South African politics. In fact, that’s what all governments use to contain the civilians. Fear, is not the power that one attains, but the power that he is given by the ones who fear him.  Allow me, to quote the legendary Biko: “It is a fear so basic in the considered actions of black people as to make it impossible for them to behave like people---let alone free people.” “One must not underestimate the deeply imbedded fear of the black man so prevalent in white society. Whites know only too well what exactly they have been doing to blacks and logically find reason for the black man to be angry. Their state of insecurity however does not outweigh their greed for power and wealth, hence they brace themselves to react against this rage rather than to dispel it with open-mindedness and fair play.” “It sometimes looks obvious here that the great plan is to keep the black people thoroughly intimidated...


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Not free as a bird.

Perception of reality is, often deemed realer than reality itself. "I want to be as free as a bird." a cliché that feels new, everytime it's being uttered or when our auditory tools cross paths with this ancient, yet immortal utterance. "The other side of the grass looks greener" another famous aphorism, but I prefer Marc and Angel's quote "If the grass looks greener on the other side, it might be life reminding you to water the grass you're standing on." Who came up with this idea that birds are free? Or, maybe an idealist looked at how birds look stress-free and he thought to himself that they're even able to effortlessly flee from their problems, without realizing that the bird has their own adversities. Imagine being a bird and you haven't been finding any worms to feed your offspring, and if you do you have to battle other birds you cross paths with on your way back to the nest, and you still have to stress about eagles who ...