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The Love

Whenever the word love is being uttered, the first idea that pops up in the hoi polloi’s thought bulbs is romantic relationships, nor anything that comprises romance and intimacy. I stand tall in being corrected. 

The more we grow up, the more our perspective of the world nor life,  changes drastically. It’s as if, every 24-hours brings tremendous changes. Change is scary. An irrefutable fact. However, the idea of mystery is what makes change and the future to be so exciting; mystery, is contemporaneously scary and exciting. It’s consanguineous to watching a horror movie in a dark room. 

Whether we devoutly refute change nor the future due to being overly comfortable in the current position we’ve occupied for an elongated period; saying goodbye, is an inevitable event that we often choose to eschew, in lieu of preparing for it. With the presence of proper preparation, the probability of succeeding is higher. I stand tall in being corrected.

Love is one of the words that are utterly simple to utter, but harder to actually perform. Love is a verb; actually, it depends on which part of the table are you sitting at. 

However, the biggest mistake that a preponderance of human beings make is confusing love with emotional attachment. Where love is present, emotional attachment seems to be inextricable. Love is a powerful energy, hence, it often confuses us a lot. 

Emotional attachment is also a powerful energy; now, imagine these two powerful energies coexisting in the same system…An eruption, may be witnessed. Albeit, it may be a powerful energy, but it chooses to be the bigger person vis-à-vis ego. It chooses to be susurrus, and allow ego to have its vocal freedom. Everyone wants to be heard nor seen, these days. Hence, Mark Zuckerberg is a billionaire today. Social networks, have become a platform for perpetuating ego than communication. Hence, a 300k followers nor reactions, or comments make, most of us to divorce our humbleness and empathy by thinking that our  cyber popularity has made us deities. Come back to reality. These end devices were invented to end the tardiness of communications and to also provide a cost-effective system of communicating with all individuals across the globe. A tad convenient method, I say. However, these end devices came into the hands of the species whose calvarias are filled with skulduggery and ego. I stand tall in being corrected.

The love, however, is an enormously powerful energy which is supposed to propel us to perform life changing actions. It is so sad that the only thing which is prohibiting us from being love advocates, is ego. Such a small word; such a cyclopean effect. 

Dynamites, truly come in small packages. Ego makes us do utterly imbecilic things. We put on our headsets and headphones even when we seat next to the people we want to talk to. Ego is the reason behind silent treatment, segregation, and all kinds of discrimination. We hate one another over reasons that don’t even make sense to us. 

Ego is a disease because it causes dis ease within our souls whenever we’re in the presence of those we do not like, most of the time for utterly no logical reason. It is more of a worm that attains life from sucking our energy. I stand tall in being corrected.

Love, is a verb. However, we tend to be utterly confused to whether which verb is the appropriate word which complements love. 

Love is solely about ease. Giving was supposed to be about ease; however, in this era of democracy where most Bantu people are engulfed by insufficiency, giving is not utterly deemed ideal. Detachment is the core element of love; however, practice is not consanguineous to theory. To achieve true love, we must lose all concrete possessions and emotional attachment. 

The love is free.


Eye See

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