What does it take to be utterly objective?
Is it even possible to be utterly objective?
As humans, we are born naturally subjective.
We want our lives to be better, we want things to go our way, we want to own the day, and ensure that all in our lives, goes in accordance with our wishes and desires. It’s as if, being subjective is in our nature.
According to the Holy Bible, God wants us to only worship him, and no other gods. That’s being subjective.
Growing up, we are naturally dependent on our parents or legal guardians and expect to get love and protection from them. We’ve been programmed to expect them to provide us with what we were told we are entitled to.
Hard work pays off; therefore, naturally, we expect to get congenial results every time we put in effort. We expect our loved ones nor the people we are emotionally attached to, to love us. A competition may comprise 50+ competitors, but, an irrefutable fact is that a preponderance of those contenders, if not all, seek to occupy the 1st position. Every human being believes they were born for greater things; only a few, or nobody spends time perusing the idea nor wrestling the dilemma of whether they truly deserve greater things, or they are being too ambitious. Every gambler wants to hit the jackpot; finances are an enormously sensitive issue. Therefore, no gambler goes to the casino to blindly throw their hard earned coins in the slot and expect to bite the dust. We play to win, more than we play “just for fun".
To expect nothing for every input, is consanguineous to addressing a blonde with the same attitude that we have towards shrewd people. It’s hard to work hard and not expect to enjoy the fruits of our labor. Quid pro quo, is the coin of the realm in our world. For every input, we expect an output. Look at the reaction of the owner of a car that refuses to start when his hand is twisting the key, tirelessly, in the ignition; look at the reaction of a straight A student when they didn’t get that level 7 they anticipated, subsequent to spending sleepless nights owing to studying hard. Look at the reaction of the Christian who prays 5 times a day for a better life, but his life seems to be stagnant, in his eyes. In essence, to be objective, occurs consciously; to be subjective, is an involuntary activity. One can even conclude that being subjective, is intrinsic to us. It’s an inextricable state of mind; it’s consanguineous to the brain and the calvaria.
Simply, to be subjective is not an impossible idea; however, it is not an idea that can be executed feasibly either, but it is an idea that can obtain a hold in our minds, only if we are prepared to perform tremendous changes in our subconscious minds.
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