In a physical world, where a preponderance of spirits were sent to, in order to enjoy an ephemeral physical experience; however, a cornucopia of souls end up being consumed by this physical world and its materials.
Hence, today, we have such aphorisms “You shall be addressed the way you are dressed", “When you look good, you feel good"; just to name a few…
Retail stores, make a fortune today, owing to the hoi polloi’s utter oblivion of the irrefutable fact that they are souls which exist in an ephemeral physical body, in order to make a positive difference in this planet. Gobs of people are consumed by the sempiternal hunger nor need to become the greatest, the best nor any title which comprises such words. We often see how a preponderance of people, on television are paid to use these materials nor to use subtle ways to convince the credulous nor acquiescent viewers that true happiness is solely dependent on these materials, which automatically impels the middle class and the lower class to invest their energies and efforts in acquiring these materials which comprise ephemeral existence. The hoi polloi ends up being emotionally attached to these materials to an extent that these tangibles end up devouring their souls.
The “When you look good, you feel good" slogan has conquered so many indolent thinkers, today. In fact, it has become a mentality that engulf the lives of a preponderance of people who have lost their ability to think critically, owing to the things they often expose themselves to, in the newspapers, magazines, television etc. So many industries have been created and they have thrived because of the hoi polloi’s credulity and acquiescence. The need to belong, is what has caused all this madness. It is utterly comprehensible that humans, naturally, have this persistent feeling nor desire to belong to a certain group. Hence, today, we have people who’d rather neglect their skills and talents that could create a thriving business for them, just to be labelled “sempiternal employees” in a vaunted organization or company. In fact, a preponderance of Bantu people would settle for management positions in white-owned companies, in lieu of utilizing their skills to build their own organizations. These are a few examples which provide a kenspeckle proof that as humans, we may be disparate but we are all being dictated by this strong desire to belong.
We are more vulnerable and naïve than we think. We have been designed nor programmed to become creatures who are dictated by expectations of sempiternal jubilation, mostly to become creatures who are constantly engulfed by the desire to become great, to feel great, to be the best, to be flawless, to be perfect, etc. We have become humans who are filled with opinions more than the desire to be filled with the truth. We have seen gobs of people who possess all kinds of wealth, yet they still don’t feel good; even the best dressed man can be utterly miserable. Therefore, why are we still abysmally credulous nor oblivious to the fallacious belief that when you look good, you feel good? Feeling, is internal; looks are external. It all begins inside; unfortunately, humans have become materialistic creatures who were programmed by the television, magazines and newspapers they read to believe that they need all the frivolous materials that they invest their energies, efforts and even spend their hard-earned money on ensuring that they attain them.
The “When you look good, you feel good" and “You shall be addressed the way you are dressed” slogans, have bereft humans of their ability to think critically. Hence, the retail industry makes billions out of gobs of people who lack self-knowledge, self-esteem, and self-confidence. Those who lack confidence in themselves, believe that they need designer clothes and expensive jewellery to feel good about themselves. Today, we have a cornucopia of humans who invest most of their energy and time in ameliorating their physical appearance more than their inner being. Almost everyone is consumed by the constant desire of self-importance; everyone wants a certain title. We have even rendered love obsolete, just to vaunt frivolous materials that won’t even fulfill a portion of our souls. Everyone wants to be well-dressed, wants to drive a better car, wants a better job, wants a bigger house; but nobody wants to devoutly invest effort and time in ameliorating their inner being nor their spiritual self. The hoi polloi is enslaved by the prime time shows, propaganda on prime time news, and all the false definitions of success that are being sold to them by their idols, role-models etc. Mental slavery has bereft the hoi polloi of their ability to think independently. Humans, have become enormously emotional creatures that can be easily manipulated by any psychologically powerful being that acquires the opportunity to mentally exploit them.
I, honestly, pity the indolent thinkers whose perception is still dictated by the “physical appearance” deception. The hoi polloi comprises creatures who are consumed by their outer appearance; hence, we see women who treat other humans with utter contempt due to believing that their physical beauty is equivalent to a commodity; we see men who treat others with utter contempt due to devoutly believing that their material possessions are equivalent to owning the entire planet.
Does one, necessarily have to look good in order to feel good?
Isn’t it, rather erroneous that we depend solely on the outer aspects in order to fulfill the inner being?
Why do we choose to voluntarily become slaves of deception, nor allow others’ deception to dictate our perception of the world, and ourselves?
A preponderance of people seem to lack understanding of “I". Most, associate the concept with narcissism and conceit; most, believe “I" is solely about self-importance.
Hence, they have to be debt slaves just to attain the vaunted clothing brands, in order to look good to the hoi polloi and be approved.
Is that your true idea of feeling good? Is it really necessary to lose your soul just to attain ephemeral materials which won’t even complement your spiritual empowerment process? We have become a generation that has become consumed by the fallacious idea of looks; hence, we fail to see what we’re supposed to see. We invest most of our efforts in looking good vis-à-vis seeing the truth in every situation, let alone seeking the truth of self.
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