2 Cents: (This piece will utterly puzzle you! A Merriam Webster is required for this one...oh and a whole lot more) Mansa Musa is the richest person that has ever lived, yet the general population is abysmally credulous that they believe their own continent is impoverished yet almost every continent achieves colossal developments from bereaving and fleecing Africa. We all remember slavery that interrupted our beautiful history, back then it was more of a physical form of slavery which meant Africans would get bludgeoned and work all day in the fields without pay. Others were lynched, others were tied to a tree and set alight, others were decapitated, some were fed to crocodiles, sharks and lions and others were shot. History is utterly gruesome, but thanks to all the activitists who fought relentlessly until all that came to an end. However, now, times have become worse compared to the days of physical slavery and oppression. Now, we live in an era where mental slavery is the...
Enlightenment for Africans.