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Showing posts from August, 2019

Africans need social development to make the high rates of crime to dwindle, not the harsh punishments from the law.

It is no secret that the crime rates in African communities, everywhere in the world are sky high despite how harsh the government makes its laws or the punishments that the perpetrators get for their crimes. Why is it that all the states money and resources that are are being invested in the police force seem to be futile in reducing crime in black communities? And we also need to scrutinize why there are lower crime rates in caucasian communities. At first, Africans were in charge of Africa and that means they owned all the wealth and resources until colonialists set their dirty feet in the African soil and also polluted African waters with the oils that came from their ships. Everything changed, Africans went from kings to slaves. Fast forward, today many African countries claim independence but they're still governed by the colonialists. It is no secret that since the dubious freedom, we often vaunt came, nothing seems to have changed. Instead, African communities suff...

Boomerang Principle

Life is consanguineous to a boomerang, and I'm uncertain if you've perceived that. It starts at the bottom and ends at the top... Some people's lives are not even a boomerang at all, some go through the boomerang phase before they head back to celestial city or wherever the hell they end up pun intended. Before an offspring is conceived, there has to be copulation. Before copulation, there's courtship period. That's a boomerang principle. It starts at the bottom and ends at the top. Before a man begins to pursue an object of his affection or a wench, his primary goal before the subject of nurturing the camaraderie is to attain the fruit that got unclad Adam extruded from the garden of Eden. Some develop an affinity and opt to nurture it. Well, some chose to live by the carpe diem principle...but, that's not the point! I'm tryna elucidate the whole idea of the consanguinity of life and the boomerang. It starts at the bottom! Yes! A child is ...


It's funny how your mind was engulfed by uncertainty about whether the subject of this passage is about being in front of an audience or to be alive, but it's more abysmal than that. But, who has ever experienced occhiolism when it comes to life? Have you ever took a moment to ask yourself why are you here? Why are you still alive while no week reach its 7th day without witnessing families going through a bereavement, or a funeral taking place? Is it because you're more powerful, holier, intelligent or wiser than the deceased and their families? Have you ever asked yourself what does it mean for you to still be offered a chance to have a full 24 hours? Is it because The Creator still wants you to work, eat, buy and be sheep for a few more years because you're the sheep that offers your European capitalist master and the government more wool? Scrutinize the odyssey of your life from the moment you exited the womb with the placenta, to date...are you satisfied wit...

Not free as a bird.

Perception of reality is, often deemed realer than reality itself. "I want to be as free as a bird." a cliché that feels new, everytime it's being uttered or when our auditory tools cross paths with this ancient, yet immortal utterance. "The other side of the grass looks greener" another famous aphorism, but I prefer Marc and Angel's quote "If the grass looks greener on the other side, it might be life reminding you to water the grass you're standing on." Who came up with this idea that birds are free? Or, maybe an idealist looked at how birds look stress-free and he thought to himself that they're even able to effortlessly flee from their problems, without realizing that the bird has their own adversities. Imagine being a bird and you haven't been finding any worms to feed your offspring, and if you do you have to battle other birds you cross paths with on your way back to the nest, and you still have to stress about eagles who ...

Love is of the essence.

The simple four letter word that was meant to make our lives simple and was also meant to make it easier for us, irregardless of how different we are, to live together in peace and harmony. A preponderance of individuals would immediately think of a romantic relationship whenever that word is mentioned. Has anyone ever thought of how profound the subject of love is? What is love? Is it the reason why aspiring actors, poets, musicians, businessmen and women keep going no matter how many times they fail? Love is a simple, yet complex subject because it raises a variety of reactions, expressions and ideas just by the word being mentioned. The world today, comprises governments, secret societies, criminals and all kinds of evil people who would utilize every lilliputian opportunity they get to perform their nefarious acts. It is a sign of a lack of love. A baby, is a result of love. Why do they metamorphose into humanbeings who are filled with rage and hate? How does it even get...

Self-consciousness (With or against society?) 

The less significant matter, is ubiquitous in the general population's hippocampi. What the hell is wrong with the general population's calvaria tools...including mine? Life was supposed to be simple-Was created to be like that but then like the banking system: "Why not make a simple thing complex, if you can?" We are individuals who carry a few, or non-identical qualities who were created to reside in the same vicinity by an identical law in order to attain peace. But we were supposed to be comfortable in being different and evangelize those who submit to conformity. Instead, we submit to conformity and collectively call ourselves "society". Yeah, that's the name that makes a predominat population of Christians be ashamed of saying grace when partaking fast foods or delectable meals at worldly-wise restaurants and find Muslims extremely cuckoo for temporarily closing their businesses during business hours, no matter how large the market is or how...

The Fruit (Patience) 

"Good things, come to those who wait." The famous aphorism of patience, states. Every individual wants the best things in life, but the most unfortunate part is that "patience" is a trait that not every individual posses. If success was an overnight achievement, every entity would be living the dream. Why is it that good things or, rather, the best things in life take time and require one to wait a certain period before they can enjoy the benefits of the pain they've endured? Patience is a trait that a preponderance of individuals lack in these present times, owing to how we've gotten used to the instant life. Instant porridge, instant noodles etc. This life has become so fast paced to a point whereby the general population has grown unfamiliar to patience. Relationships don't last, most of today's music is bubblegum, almost everything that exists in this era is ephemeral. It's rare to find something that lasts longer these days, considering...

IoT-A great evolution or a great threat to humanity

Remember the days when a preponderance of the population saw the bourgeoisie society as a refugee for anyone who had the idea of job security and deemed jobs a safe option, in life. Those days are tardily dwindling. I'm not attempting to strike fear in the hearts of the bourgeoisie, but I'm enlightening them of the future and how most of them would, eventually be obsolete to their employers owing to the current ongoing inventions of artificial intelligence. Internet of Things is swiftly replacing a lot of things that used to be of value, back in the day. Your mobile end device comprises your alarm, newspaper, magazine, television, radio, notepad, mails, television remote, calendar, map, compass, bible, thermometer, the world, shoulder to cry on, a portion of your brain etc. That's how powerful IoT is, and it does not get satisfied-It is inconspicuously gaining power. Imagine how many things will IoT have replaced in the next decade, let alone the next century. At the ...

Contrary to popular belief. 

The great words of the legendary Wizard of Omaha, popularly known as Warren Buffett says "When everyone's greedy, be fearful. When everyone's fearful, be greedy." Most of life's biggest decisions are dependent on the aphorism "Majority rules" or "If you can't beat them, join them." which also breeds or perpetuates the culture of conformity. Being an independent thinker, let alone a vocal one is not an ideal trait for the faint-hearted entities to possess. The outcome you receive from other entities varies, owing to their respective mindsets. You may be deemed a gadfly, or blasphemous by a preponderance of entities, or receive quips from a few like-minded. The general population have embraced and accepted the idea of conformity to a point whereby they'll utilize every opportunity that comes their way to lambast the ones who are deemed anomalous within society. Go to school, consume what you're being offered, get good grades, go ...

A generation of poor communication. 

Considering all the improvements and the sempiternal evolution of technology, one would be certain that even the general population's communication skills are as sharp as the spear that was utilized by King Shaka Zulu to eliminate his enemies. We perceive how it has become simpler for long distance relatives to communicate daily, or even people from different continents to interact, but it becomes more difficult for people in the same vicinity to communicate. How odd! Notice how most public spaces are filled with people but only a few face-to-face conversations take place. Individuals who are glued to their smartphones and those who got their earphones on are ubiquitous in such vicinities. Every creature was created to communicate with others, in this world. We can hear different sounds made by animals of the same species whenever they're in the same place or trying to reach one another if separated, but humans would rather indulge in silence, not because that's what t...


What does it really mean to be blind? Haveyou ever asked yourself this simple, yet quite perplexing question? Let's not dwell on those questions because the question I'd really like to ask you is are you blind or are your eyes wide open? But before you answer that question, let's indulge in this thought provoking passage which I’m certain it will definitely make your synapses jump like jubilant kids on a trampoline. I’m assuming we all know the famous life routine most Africans are raised by, which is go to school so you can be successful or go to church in order for God to reserve a seat for you at the celestial city. Hm! Quite interesting. What I've noticed in so many black communities is that blindness is rife. Most of us are oblivious to our: health, finances, spiritual wellness, emotional and mental wellness. We live according to the systems dogma that rules most Africans which tells us to consume, shut the hell up, spend. Come into this world, grow up, go to ...

The responsibility. 

It takes two to make a child, but more than two to raise a child. What's a community without children and the youth? Which means children see elders or adults as their heroes, therefore the development of their subconscious minds depend on the words and actions of the adults around them. Today, we have rapists, murderers, thieves, pastors, presidents, artists etc. Every person that exists on this earth, is what they are because of the events that occured in the duration of their respective childhoods. As humans, we become what we see. The environment and amalgamation, are also great contributors to the growth or mentality of an entity. Ecclesiastes 1:9-11 states: What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again. There is nothing new under the sun. Therefore, teenage pregnancy, incestual pregnancy and relationships, disrespecting elders and all the corruption that we witness today is not new. Our biggest fear is seeing the younger generation repeating the mist...

Phil Farnsworth's invention. (The Power of hypnosis) 

Who is Phil Farnsworth? You probably asked yourself this question when you saw the title... Phil Farnsworth is the man who invented television, and the irony is that he never allowed his offspring to come near his invention. Today, television is the most utilized tool for information, latest trends and, oh yeah, it contributes predominantly in emanating self-consciousness among society. Most children we're raised by television due to their parents being held hostage daily or by being devout 9-5ers and it makes children also want to be like their parents, for obvious reasons. I mean, we've seen and still see how television shows and these sitcoms makes it look so cool to be in the working class. The more the children see it on television, the more they develop the desire to alter it into actuality-it's the power of hypnosis. The same reason why crime is at the stratosphere, it's because of how directors, writers and producers make villains appear more appealing and ...

Decriminalize nature, in Africa.

Pre-colonization, Africans were immune to all these man-made diseases that are contributing in controlling the African population today. These diseases aren’t only intended to control the black population, but to also augment the government’s bank account, owing to the billions that they make from the drugs annually. They’ve programmed Africans to view these drugs as the best remedy for maladies, compared to trees or herbs. More and more Africans have grown to detest the herbs or natural remedies that their ancestors depended on, thanks to medical aid, health insurance, drugs and all the generally accepted Western ways of attaining better health. Genesis 1:29 states that God gave us all the trees that are found across all spheres of earth to be considered as meat. Marijuana is an effective treatment or relief for Alzheimer’s, ALS, Appetite loss, Arthritis, Asthma, Cancer, Chronic Pain, Crohn’s disease, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Fibromyalgia, GI disorders, Glaucoma, Hepatitis C, HIV, M...