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Showing posts from April, 2020


A preponderance of us, approach this concept in a subjective manner. We often associate goals with a notepad or exam pad and a pen, and jotting down objectives in order to accomplish them before a certain period. However, if that’s how we perceive the concept of goals, then we are utterly subjective. The concept of goals is multifold.  How many actions do we take per day? A preponderance of us are oblivious to the fact that every action we take is goal orientated. You go to the toilet to pee or take a shit, you go to the kitchen to make food nor get a glass of water, milk nor do whatever you want to do. Going to the kitchen nor the toilet are actions we take, and activities such as taking a pee in the toilet are the goals that impelled us to take those actions. We take so many actions in our daily lives, that most of them are involuntary and some of them are voluntary. One can imagine how many goals we accomplish in our daily lives, that we are abysmally oblivious to. H...

Why are we here?

The world is filled with billions of individuals, who were all born to fulfill their respective purposes nor create nor play a role in making the world a better place nor a querencia for the next generations. Everyone who still has the ability to inhale oxygen, and exhale carbon dioxide, is obliged to make a positive impact nor difference within society, and the world. However, many people aren’t working towards fulfilling their obligations, hence, the world and humanity are engulfed by so much turmoil. Ignorance nor lack of knowledge, are the quintessence of bliss. Look at children. They are filled with inquisitiveness, they too, have problems nor come across obstacles in their lives. There’s no legal age for a human to have obstacles nor go through hardships. By crying, a child is vocalizing the problem nor problems that need to be resolved. The world is messed up nor fucked up, as we all utter in accordance with our disparate preference for usage of words; however, the p...

Create, instead of complaining

One of the similarities we have, as humans, are problems nor obstacles. Problems nor challenges, are an inextricable part of life; whether you’re Aliko Dangote or Warren Buffett, you cannot be a human being without problems. We are disparate humans; so are our mindsets. Therefore, we will inevitably react differently towards our problems and adversities. Hence, the world has wealthy and impoverished people.  I know, everyone wishes to be wealthy and attain both the things that money can and those it cannot buy. Now, back to reality. Life is fair. However, the only thing that separates us is the tool that reside in the calvaria. The hoi polloi, would refer to it as “the brain”.  Have you ever perused the qualities that separate poor people and wealthy people? A preponderance or poor people, are querulous characters; wealthy people, strive to attain wealth, irregardless lf the obstacles and adversities. If you take a look at how most wealthy people attained their wea...

Your mind. Whose thoughts?

We all have brains and minds, as humans; but are all of us in control of the thoughts and beliefs that engulf our minds? Most of us, live day-to-day through the power of communication; which involves interacting with other people, through conversations.  Conversations are made up of our thoughts.  During a conversation, we process every word nor message we convey. Other things we say are things that have obtained a hold in our subconscious minds. Some we learn it ourselves, most of it is what we’ve heard nor been taught. Information nor education is something that we consume daily, irregardless of whether we consume it voluntarily nor involuntarily. The subconscious mind cannot differentiate between information that’s good for the mind and the information that’s not good for the mind. As long as you’re constantly exposed to such information, then it will inevitably obtain a hold in your subconscious mind, either augment nor alter your perspective and perception you...

Life - Is it not fair?

“Life is not fair!” A preponderance of individuals, often utter those words when going through hardships, nor when they incur losses. This claim, if you thoroughly peruse it you’ll ascertain that it is being uttered in a subjective manner, most of the time. It is, usually being uttered by those who go through hardships. According to them, life is supposed to be an amusement park where everything denotes utter jubilation and tranquility. What is fairness?  The quality or state of being fair, according to Merriam Webster dictionary. According, to a preponderance of us, we are all supposed to share wealth nor be rich and be happy and attain peace. That’s the kind of woman who impels every present male to indulge in apodyopsis. A quintessence of paradise.  Now, back to reality; life isn’t like that, unfortunately. We incur losses today, and accrue wealth tomorrow and attain sempiternal wealth nor vice versa. It all depends on us. Whatever happens, we should first appro...

Growth - The new comfort zone...

We have all heard the aphorisms from disparate philosophers and all kinds of wise people, saying “There is no growth in the comfort zone" nor “Nothing ever grows in the comfort zone”. A preponderance of us would indubitably nod in agreement to this aphorism nor claim; depending on which side of the table one’s sitting at. How many of us have really perused the concept of growth? It seems as if the hoi polloi nor a preponderance of us are oblivious to the fact that the concepts of growth and/nor the comfort zone are two-fold nor even multi-fold.  Comfort Zone is defined as the level at which one functions with ease and familiarity, according to Merriam Webster; progressive development is one of the best definitions of “growth", according to Merriam Webster dictionary. According to the hoi polloi, a comfort zone is a place of no development nor utter regression; we associate the comfort zone with all the bad things that produce no fruit. In fact, the hoi polloi woul...


The art of dying. What, really, is the art of dying? When the word “death" nor “dying” being mentioned we immediately think about loss of life nor demise. It is not magic; it is the only definition of death that is embedded in our subconscious minds. Death, refers to loss of life. However, death is a part of life that, even an optimist, does not naturally develop optimism for. Death is consanguineous to “loss"; in fact, death is loss…but how many of us deviate their focus on the gains that will accrue from our bereavement? Death is inevitable; if none of us is oblivious to that irrefutable fact, then why do we fear death so much, in lieu of developing fear for living an unfulfilled life?  The wise and all those who saw what the hoi polloi couldn’t, have testified that we are spirits living in physical bodies. However, most of us have become enormously emotionally attached to the physical aspects of this world nor life. We have mastered the art of using materials t...


Christians would think of Jesus, first, when this word is being mentioned. According to Merriam Webster dictionary, it is the rising again of all the human dead before the final judgment; or the state of one risen from the dead. It is, simply, about revival nor the process of renewal. In Christianity, Jesus Christ was crucified and resurrected on the third day. In the African culture, resurrection comprises a nexus with ancestors nor the ones who are considered deceased or late, on earth, like Christ. We may find resurrection being elucidated in a variety of ways from disparate perspectives and, mostly from religious perspectives. In the ancient Greek religion, there are many instances where the concept of resurrection gains enormous relevance. Memnon, who was killed by Achilles, was resurrected.  Achilles, after being killed, was resurrected by his mother, Thetis. Asclepius, was resurrected and altered into a more colossal deity, subsequent to being killed by Zeus....

I hate myself!

Loathing of oneself nor self-hatred, according to Merriam Webster; the definition of self-loathing. It is being normalized by non-Africans to link uncongenial deeds to Africans nor to the existence of Africans, but it is blasphemous for an African to freely vocalize their perspective on the world and the state of Africa, nor to even mention the word “colonization”. Today, we have Africans who call their fellow Africans “foreigners" just because they’re from other African countries. If you confidently perceive a fellow black man as a foreigner, while you’re also a black man then you need to thoroughly peruse nor scrutinize your thought process and your cognitive abilities, and verify if they are still under your possession. The more time goes, the more segregation gains power in black communities. We have black men who would vehemently attack a fellow black man in order to forcefully nor fraudulently attain what another man has gone through voracious perspiration for; b...

An utterly colossal paradox; An utterly cyclopean oxymoron.

A paradox is a statement that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is perhaps true; An oxymoron is a combination of contradictory or incongruous words, according to Merriam Webster dictionary. These aspects dominate our lives but what’s odd is that a preponderance of us are enormously oblivious to that fact. Most of us are running on a treadmill, while dubiously convincing ourselves that we’re moving forward. Many of us love to sleep, but hate the alarm and death. Now that’s truly odd. It utterly makes no sense for one to love sleep so much that they would even sleep for half the day, if not the whole day, but would still fear and abhor death. We were all put on this earth to live; hence, we have lives. Lives were meant to be lived by people who have lives, but it seems like things are the opposite of that manner. Many of us fear living. We fear what people are going to think nor say, we fear failure, embarrassment and disappointments that would be ...

Accrue nor incur?

In all a man does, his biggest anticipation is none other than success nor succeeding in that particular task. However, a man needs to also consider and acknowledge that the future is not solely contingent upon his anticipation; the future forever remains a mystery that, psychics can only attain a glimpse of but not acquire the privilege to control its direction. Therefore, every man is a victim of uncertainty when it comes to the future, but preparing for it is winning half the battle.  “Life is a gamble” those who acquire gobs of experience of life, often utter. You either win or lose, no draw; you’re either doing it or not, no room for those who are willing. So many great wise men have uttered that a man is nothing but a result of his own quality of thoughts. His thoughts may either aid him accrue prosperity and success, nor incur losses, failures and regrets; all that is never contingent upon the future, his circumstances, nor any kind of external aspects but himsel...

Explicitly African

It utterly baffles me to ascertain that the hoi polloi nor the non-Africans, often perceived the concept of “Explicitly African” as a euphemism nor a synonym for “racist black” or, often confuse it with Africans who would partake in all possible activities that put a black man in a position where he’s deemed a racist nor an advocate of discrimination against the non-African. I would love to concur, but unfortunately we cannot make a conclusion of this concept nor lifestyle, based on your own perception.  Allow me to provide you with a lucid exegesis of the concept of being explicit African. It is not about blacks turning against whites nor utterances from another black, reverse racist gadfly, that seeks to fit all kinds of victim hats that are available in the market.  However, I seek to express and perpetuate the pulchritude of the former slaves, but current mental slaves, negroes, kaffirs, blacks, Africans, kings, queens, deities, emperors, empresses, etc.  ...