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Showing posts from February, 2020

Lack of knowledge; the best creator of slaves

As Africans, we often make the mistake of perceiving the concept of slavery with a subjective eye; considering how it disturbed our beautiful history. Today, slavery is diversified; not only black people are slaves in these present times. All races are enslaved. However, that is contingent upon the amount of knowledge that resides inside their respective calvarias.  The rule of slavery is simple, those who know exploit those who lack knowledge; everyone exercises power in various ways. The lack of knowledge, according to the elders and the wise, it is consanguineous to blindness nor death. One may also conclude that an empty mind is as good as a sepulchre. Nothing fruitful can come from an empty calvaria. Hence, the majority of the population is ruled and controlled by the minority. The thin line between these two groups is knowledge…one group comprises gobs of knowledge, the other group is comfortable with lacking knowledge and it makes little or no effort to acquire i...

Hate, the outcome of fear...

Nothing good has ever came out of fear, unless we use fear in a “face everything and rise" manner. Fear is one of the traits that are consanguineously as detrimental as the feelings of hate and sadness nor anger. None of us are oblivious to the negativity nor dead weight that these feelings bring us, yet we hold on dearly to them more than the feelings of love and happiness. However, let us explore the art of hate. Hate is a strong emotion, an inextricable fact that almost all humans can verify. Hate is what impels good people to become murderers, abusers, bullies, racists, misogynists and to partake in all kinds of discriminations that we know. Mortal humans strongly believe that hate is the opposite of love; but what is it, exactly, that makes one not come to a conclusion that the absence of love invites fear?  We’ve learned about all the gruesome events that took place in history, we also witness such gruesome events even today. As humans, we were created to go thro...

Calamity, the subsequence of defence

This concept is self-explanatory nor utterly lucid and I, boldly, believe that any mortal human has the ability to feasibly achieve thorough understanding of the subject at hand. In sports, war nor any form of environment where competition is the coin of the realm, the one who attains power is inevitably the one who attacks the most…which is pretty kenspeckle that the defensive team bites the dust. In my opinion, I’d say defence is the result of fear of exposure to attacks. However, defence means that you do not hit your opponent, which deprives you the opportunity to be engulfed by the possibility of a win.  This concept, also subtly elucidates the significance of “consistency”. If you consistently defend yourself, a loss is inextricably inevitable; same goes with the consistent attacker, his eventuality is a definite win. Hence, Elon Musk once said “Where your focus goes, your energy flows".  Indeed, it seems like the fear of loss makes one lose more than they wo...

We often look, but barely see...

Being awake, is deemed being conscious in the physical world but what does it truly mean to be conscious? Does it have to do with just having our eyes open nor is there a deeper meaning of the concept of consciousness?  Many of us are wide awake and utilize our conscious minds during our waking hours but we are in utter oblivion of what we should be shifting the focus of our eye on. To look, is not to see; however, one has to look in order to see. A paradox that will utterly perplex the individuals who are only physically conscious. In the physical world, materials are what the general population deem more valuable than any other aspects of life.  A smattering of people control a preponderance of individuals in a subtle way.  The word “subtle” elucidates the fact that not every person who is wide awake in the physical world is conscious. Consciousness, is way deeper than that. It is seeing things nor life at a different eye from the masses; hence, the shrewd o...

Canker the subconscious minds of Africans II

The system’s devout objective, is to ensure a black man, sempiternally, remains at the bottom. The biggest fear, is that if a black man could emancipate from the chains of mental slavery and achieve total freedom and independence, he’ll experience an epiphany of how powerful he is and he will no longer need anyone else but himself for survival and for the governing of his continent. Why is it that the people who were born in Africa, whose ancestors were kings and queens who once owned the whole of Africa, are at the bottom, today? In Azania (Commonly known as South Africa), ubiquitous views include a minibus taxi which is filled with Africans while other races, who came with planes and ships are always travelling in their luxurious vehicles and also living in neighborhoods where no one is below a million, in net worth. The most hilarious part, is that it has been normalized. Imagine, being a maid or a gardener at your parents’ house. Buffoonery at the highest level. My sole...

The Secret

“Blessed is the hand that gives, than the one that receives" the bible says, but how many of us in this world that is engulfed with greed, would agree to the verse nor the concept of giving sincerely without expecting anything in return?  If we could delve deeper into the concept of life, we would truly ascertain that the secret of living a quality life is all hidden in mastering the art of giving. When you master the art of giving, life becomes more fulfilling and beautiful. The satisfaction that is subsequent to the act of giving, is enormously unfathomable. As humans, we were created to share the space we live in; planet Earth, that is. We were created to live together in peace and harmony, to give what we have and ask for what we don’t have.  What went wrong? Looking at the state that the world is currently in, one would come to an immediate realization that everything that occurs on this planet is, actually the utter opposite of what life was supposed to be. I...

Heaven and hell - A disparate states of mind

The first thought that lit up your thought bulb was the religiously generally accepted book, often referred to as the “Holy Bible"…you’re wrong. However, a preponderance of humans’ first idea of heaven is a place, after life where perfection is ubiquitous; hell is a quintessence of an utterly undesirable environment any human would not voluntarily deem a querencia.  But, do you necessarily need to die in order to experience hell nor heaven? If we could apply our cognitive perspectives and delve deeper, we would ascertain that heaven and hell are disparate mindsets. I believe, heaven and hell are in our minds.  Your actions are solely contingent upon your thoughts. Therefore, we may also ascertain that Ted Bundy’s misogynistic killing spree was impelled by the vision which was embedded in his subconscious mind. Ted Bundy is not the subject matter, in this case; however, a lucid quintessence of one part of the subject that the current focus is directed to. If you do ...

Ego - the art of blindfolding the African nation

If not all, then I believe most of us have been blindfolded before nor have had our eyes closed; we all pay the “land of nod” a visit, everyday. In essence, we all have a lucid sense of how blindness is like. Therefore, we have knowledge of how infeasible it is to be mobile without vision. Ego is consanguineous to blindness. Ego is heavier than a cadaver in a coffin, yet we readily carry it everywhere we go. It has even been embedded in our souls and subconscious minds. How does a frivolous quality like ego, feasibly obtains a hold in our subconscious minds yet love nor spreading love is deemed repulsive to us? If you utilize your cognitive perspective nor your over analytical eye, you’d ascertain that ego also contributes in the rife segregation that engulfs our African communities.  Segregation, is the chief reason why Africans are economically disadvantaged, despite living in a democratic system for so many decades. Life is truly a paradox. Ego is, actually one of th...

If you get, never forget...

We often pray, beg, burn incense nor even slaughter livestock to perform a ceremony to plead with our ancestors to provide us with our hearts’ desires nor the goals we seek to achieve that we deem not feasible to attain.  Those are generally accepted nor recognized ways of inducing those who have the powers over what we desire, to find it in their hearts to kindly offer us what we seek.  But what happens when they oblige? What happens when we finally acquire what we’ve been in dire need of? The biggest calamity is the idea of not familiarizing our subconscious minds with the three important phrases that are deemed miniature but produce colossal results. The magical words are “please", “thank you” and “I’m sorry”. It is utterly kenspeckle that these words seem small but their impact cannot be neglected. The most painful part is the fact that modern Africans are tardily losing hold of those significant words that have always been embedded in our culture and in the su...

Disparate Consanguinity

“We are all equal”, words we often hear from those who carry a different perception and perspective of the world nor life. Do we believe them? Should we believe them? How accurate is that statement?  Collectively, we are “people”; individually, we are known as a “person”.  Therefore, it would be deemed fit to conclude that life is a paradox nor an oxymoron.  Hence, the title of this piece. The world comprises billions of human beings, but the perplexing fact is that not all of them reach their full potential nor reach their respective crescendos like they were supposed to. How is it possible?  Does this mean there are humans who were created to be better than others? Were other humans created to be at the bottom? Can anyone decipher the whole setting of humanity?  However, what utterly befuddles me is the fact that every live human being is being provided 24 hours to make a difference nor to fulfill their daily devout objective nor obligation that ma...


What’s the first idea that comes into the general population’s minds when taking a photo, is to smile. A smile is ubiquitous in photos. Photos are meant to be a physical representation of a memory, and who wouldn’t want to have a photo of them smiling, in their album? A smile is a colossally powerful expression; even a non-living thing like a photo can augment your serotonin levels. Basically, it is proof that “happiness”, truly is a universal language and every human being wishes to make it their own querencia. However, such can be achieved. Do, acknowledge the fact that a lot of work would be required from you in reprogramming your subconscious mind. Many, are living a paradoxical life. They seek happiness, yet their respective demeanours are a quintessence of misery and sadness. It is generally accepted to be mad or frowning for no valid reason; if you are seen smiling nor laughing for a reason that no other human, except you, comprehends…then you are deemed mentally uns...


KAFFIR! The word that has been misused so much that the general population have become utterly oblivious to its true meaning. In South Africa, it is considered blasphemous for Caucasians to address Melanin Dominant people as “kaffirs". Simply, it is considered the most offensive term in Azania's (South Africa's) vocabulary. If Mahatma Gandhi is not the first person to address the Melanin Dominant people of Azania as “kaffirs", then he must be the one who made the term more popular in the Afrikaner communities.  How many of us truly understand the true meaning of the word “kaffir”?  The word “kaffir" is an Arabic word which means “non-believer”, apparently some imbeciles who misinterpreted the word used it for the wrong reasons which also made the Melanin Dominant people to be enraged without even taking the initiative to delve deeper to ascertain the true meaning of the word that they have been verbally bludgeoned with by their oppressors. What a brob...

Leave something when you leave...

“First impression lasts" they often utter, which verifies the significance of absenteeism. We think presence is the state where people are most appreciated; the truth is, we’re lying to ourselves. Absence is louder than presence. Hence, there’s something called “memories” and “being remembered”. What makes one to be remembered when they are absent? Think of 5 people you miss or still remember, despite them no longer being in the picture… What is it, really, that makes you miss them or not forget about them even when they aren’t present? Bantu Biko. I’d be deemed enormously fallacious to dubiously say we all know who The Great Biko was and what made him attain sempiternal prevalence in our subconscious minds. However, I shall delve deeper into this hero’s eulogy that I, the fellow Black Consciousness compadres and other like minds exalt devoutly. Bantu Biko is the founder of the Black Consciousness Movement; hence, he’s often referred to as The Father of Bla...

The art of disparate mentality.

“Always oppose the direction of the general population…” Masimbamagundwane's (my late grandpa) habitual utterances. In a world of sheep that would kill to obtain “uMalusi", I choose to kindly offer  a lucid exegesis of the art of indulging in the comfort of expressing one’s disparities despite the chief population playing identical twins.  What does it mean to be different? To be human, is to be different…the world comprises people, animals, trees and other objects that populate the planet. The collective word is “people” and the singular word is “person”. Others refer to it as an individual nor individuals. The process of birth should make it inextricably conspicuous that at the end we are alone. You were alone when you exited your mother’s womb, even in twins it’s one at a time; so shall be your demise-you'll be alone. However, the most perplexing part is that the world comprises people who have embraced nor have grown to be emotionally attached to the “repli...

The power of "within"!

“First impression lasts", “You shall be addressed the way you’re dressed”, “when you look good, you feel good"…All those aphorisms that are generally accepted, elucidate how shallow and materialistic the general population is. It, now, makes sense why the minority of the population rules the majority. The general population’s chief investment is in the external aspects, hence most of the population comprises inferior people. “First impression lasts" Oh! Now, I believe I have experienced an epiphany of how the general population was programmed to think…The external aspects of life, mostly do not hold earth-shattering value to one’s life and the elites invest their chief effort in adorning the physical aspects in a way that the subconscious minds of Africans were programmed to be so emotionally attached to them that they even vaunt them more than the inconspicuously significant aspects of life which are, inextricably, found within.  I believe the previous parag...