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Showing posts from March, 2020

Blind Consciousness

How often do we convince ourselves that we know better than others nor we are more knowledgeable, compared to the next man? Knowledge is power, the hoi polloi agrees.  However, have we also perused the possibility of knowledge being an insidious weapon to destroy us? Most of us believe that attaining gobs of information nor knowledge means were enormously knowledgeable that we should no longer be receptive.  We normally, see it happen in black families nor communities where the unemployed nor the ones who are not financially well being treated with little respect nor utter contempt; or those who cannot speak, read nor write English proficiently being deemed an imbecile nor illiterate or utterly uneducated.  Blind consciousness is a detrimental mentality that needs to be eradicated in black minds and communities. It is the one which halts progress in our communities and our nation. Some would refer to it as “narrow-mindset" nor “tunnel vision”. It’s consanguine...

Breaking the hymen

Women, would have a more lucid idea nor be the ones to offer a lucid exegesis of the process of breaking a hymen, nor breaking one’s virginity. This concept may be more consanguineous to the event that took place in the garden of Eden. Simply, it’s an eye opening process. You reach the level of having the ability to distinguish between good and evil, subsequent to partaking in that process. The process of deflowering, nor breaking the virginity, or breaking the hymen, as a preponderance of individuals would label nor utter, in compliance with their disparate preferences, is all about a penis penetrating a vagina that’s never been penetrated before.  The causes extend to, inter alia: masturbation, horseback riding, biking, gymnastics, using tampons, fingering etc. Which are also considered as ways of breaking the hymen nor virginity without ever partaking in boff. However, there seems to be a nexus between virginity and hymen, according to the hoi polloi. What is a “hyme...

Smoke screen

A smoke screen, is simply, something designed to obscure, confuse or mislead…According to the 1882 wordsmith, popularly known as Merriam Webster Dictionary. You can also refer to it as “wool over your eyes”.  It could also be referred to as “perception of reality” because the whole idea is to lull the audience with the image of dubious truth nor reality. A piece of art at Newtown, Johannesburg in South Africa was written “A nation of sheep, ruled by wolves, owned by pigs". Therefore, this did not only caught my eye, but it also elucidates the concept of smoke screens.  Those who are at the top, nor those who possess power have the ability to dictate nor create the future for those who depend on them; hence, they tell nor show the ones who do not have any inkling of the truth, what they believe is right for them…even if it leads them astray. “Beggars cannot be choosers”. If you cannot take your own spade and delve deeper to attain the truth or the true knowledge, th...

Endure (enjoy) the pain

Endurance, according to Merriam Webster’s dictionary, it is defined as the ability to withstand hardship or adversity. Others give it disparate names, such as the journey nor the process. As we all know, there’s no pleasure without pain, no smile without sadness, no acquisition without bereavement. Life is inextricably created to be that way.  Every action in life, has a consequence nor consequences. Therefore, endurance is also an action that has its consequences nor results. We, as people, have dreams nor goals, irregardless of their terms but the inextricable fact is that without execution nor effort from our end, they’ll remain dreams nor goals. However, we should remember that not everyone achieves their goals and dreams; as sad as it is, but it’s the truth. The lack of execution, effort, or minimal effort results in failure nor unfulfilled desires. Even execution can result in failure, but that cannot be deemed failure…unless the executor chooses to give up, subse...

Credulity-The art of being overly receptive

It is the generally accepted law that the hoi polloi should never strive nor seek to be independent, hence, they should be governed by either a man nor an entity. The often prostituted aphorism “The people shall govern” is, simply a wool that is used as a tremendously effective tool to lull the hoi thinkers polloi with the fallacious idea of dubious power. What a calamity! A chief population of the world is controlled by the minority. The best place to keep the majority of the population, is in utter oblivion.  That is deemed their sempiternal querencia.  The minority controls the way the masses think, consume, believe and also the information they receive. In all honesty, it is utterly flabbergasting to ascertain that the majority is nothing but dolls on a string; they are just oblivious. However, to achieve such magnitude of power requires sempiternal consistency. You never slip nor sleep because you’ll be placing yourself in the position of extreme hazard, where...

Paddle or sink...

A canoe cannot only be used in clean water.  However, without any means of paddling then it cannot move in the direction of the user nor help its user reach his destination. I believe we’ve seen a canoe before, and all my life I’ve never seen a user of the canoe complaining about the dirt of the water nor the direction at which the water is moving to; the user knows that the paddle dictates the movement and direction of the canoe. We have life, something that people have different perceptions of, especially when it comes to the concept of fairness. To most, fair means an easy life, no impediments, disappointments, embarrassments, losses nor setbacks…just glory and prosperity that is feasibly attained. What an utter chimera. But, I must say, imagination is not such a bad thing after all; without it, we wouldn’t have Dangote Group, Microsoft, Disney and all other amazing creations that have achieved sempiternal prevalence. Maybe, the biggest mistake we make as humans is t...

Green faced creatures

I believe every human being has been to a situation whereby the one next to them achieves more than them or does better than them. Even worse, the person next to you receiving all the compliments from everyone in the room, while they treat you as if you are utterly invisible or your efforts were nothing but utter frivolous. It’s human nature to develop strong feelings of being entitled to receiving acknowledgement nor recognition for your good deeds or progress or success.  However, not receiving acknowledgement nor compliments from those we’re trying to prove ourselves to nor impress, we tend to react in an emotional manner; what’s even worse, is witnessing the next person being immersed in, or being showered with compliments while we get none, irregardless of the effort we’ve invested. The ugliness behind expectations. Disappointments are experienced nor felt by those who have enormous expectations of the other party nor their interlocutor.  The birth of jealousy...

The Luncheon

The most convenient time for humans to ameliorate their social lives…well, not all of them. The only meal of the day that you can partake anywhere you like and with whoever you want to. The sun is up there, unless it’s a cloudy, foggy day, nor shower day. But, the point is that it is generally believed to be partook at the middle of the day and beyond, as far as the clock watch is concerned. Lunch is, indubitably the most enjoyable meal of the day which we can spend with or without family. Food complements the concept of lunch. Therefore, with this peace I intend to elucidate the significance of consumption. The quality of our lives is contingent upon what we consume.  Consumption is more extensive than one can possibly anticipate nor fathom. Your environment, amalgamation, what you often see nor hear; consumption is not solely focused on food for stomach. It takes a lot to make an individual. A man is beyond what meets the eye. Hence, the wise often refer to wisdom nor...

The Light

The first idea that lights up one’s thought bulb when this subject is being raised, is brightness; but does anyone apply an objective eye when perusing this subject? The light, just like a ladder, knowledge, money, knife etc. Is a tool, and its use is contingent upon the beholder nor observer.  The light may either exude lucidity or blind you. We, as disparate humans, utilize light for various purposes; those purposes are contingent upon the desires nor devout objectives of the beholder. A preponderance of individuals offer various exegesis which they deem fit; others believe sinners abhor light, while the flawless souls vaunt not exalt the power of light. The concept of light is enormously extensive than one may fathom nor anticipate. If we delve, maybe the possibility of being victims of light might be severe. Even better, others may not be distracted nor their focus be deviated from the inextricable fact that light is a tool. The vaunted scientists and philosophers w...

Utterly oblivious to the kenspeckle.

It is generally believed that normal humans should sleep for a minimum of 8 hours. In all honesty, it seems like a preponderance of humans are usually asleep every 24 hours they obtain. Hence, the government effortlessly deceives the general public while the masses believe that they are in possession of total power.  What a calamity. It seems the world comprises people who live to sleep but fear death. Why fear death if you live your life to the fullest? A preponderance of individuals are devoted to their respective religions, others are devoted to their churches more than their spiritual beliefs. However, the part that utterly baffles nor flabbergasts me is the fact that they usually relax, even fall asleep and pay less attention to what’s being said during the sermon but would have their eyes wide open, shivering and praying earnestly when they find themselves being passengers in a vehicle that is being controlled by a reckless driver.  Why is that so? It is kens...

Self-consciousness engineering

Mental illnesses nor diseases have become a norm in the modern life. More people seem to be sucked in by materials and all the brainwashing that they often refer to as “entertainment”. You see it first; the more you see it, you begin to develop unfathomable interest. The eyes and ears, are the mind’s windows. Most of the things that have obtained a hold in your subconscious mind, were first received by your eyes or ears…or both. We live in a world of IoT, smartphones and social media. Therefore, the modern generation, mostly exist in the cyber world.  The cyber world has its pros and cons like the real world, but the cyber world is more extreme when compared to the real world. In the cyber world, we can be utterly anything we want nor wish to be. We can be wealthy, happy, in love and all kinds of great, while our real lives are the total opposite. Social media is one of the major parts of the cyber world; a preponderance of the earth’s population exist there. Social med...

Ornery, the modern day affable.

In this modern world nor life of continually updated technology and rife segregation, being ornery is the coin of the realm in what we deem reality. Simply, it is deemed a norm to frown nor express any signs of being ornery. However, to be an optimist nor blatantly show any signs of jubilation is deemed a blasphemy by those whose idea of normal is a frowning face. Such mentality makes one uncertain whether it is being perpetuated deliberately nor humans are tardily becoming blind, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. As of late, you often hear people saying they hate humans nor they enjoy being alone nor far away from humans. It seems being anti-social is becoming a norm nor the coin of the realm in the world of “cool people”. To me, that is utterly an antonym of cool. There’s nothing cool about utter isolation nor segregation because it contributes to stagnancy.  Who authored this idea of vaunting those who take pride in exuding an aggressive demeanour in order to no...

The art of self-contempt

Many, usually say “familiarity breeds contempt”. Take jokes, for instance, you can utter the same joke three times and tell me if it will still maintain its potency. We can bet on that. So is getting familiar with something nor someone. Those who are in possession of an iPhone, are not as hyped up about it the same way as those who don’t have it. It makes sense. Familiarity does not impel one to exercise contempt for that particular object. However, it is all the result of the human reaction towards what they are over familiar with. The more they see it, the less respect they develop for it. Hence, a human can be treated with less dignity and respect but the same people who offer that kind of treatment become the same ones to cry hysterically when those people have become cadavers.  Contempt is a mindset.  I believe it is not true that familiarity breeds contempt. People, see money everyday but they never develop contempt for it. How come? I believe this mindset is...

If tomorrow never comes...

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, today is a gift; that’s why it is called present.” An aphorism, I strongly believe, a preponderance of individuals often hear it when the significance of exuding gratitude for obtaining 24-hours, is being emphasized.  However, a preponderance of individuals choose to neglect the importance of obtaining a 24-hours to attempt to reach their respective crescendos, owing to their current adversities which are inextricably ephemeral.  “Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever.” Mahatma Gandhi, once uttered. If all the individuals who have achieved sempiternal relevance are stressing the importance of utilizing your 24-hours, to the maximum extent if need be.  I’m certain, everyone is aware of the inextricable fact that one day, all of us will, eventually be cadavers. None of us knows when their day is, which also conspicuously elucidates the fact why we should never waste each split second...